open the box and you'll get4 bluerprints(Ithink they are always the same BP in because we made it 2 time with my team and get 2 time the same blueprints)
Thank you and one more question, is not electronic parts required ?
Gun runners hate me or something...They keep telling me I am too weak to be their their mercenary and I am now level 8, charisma 4 and Big Gunner build...
I found one, for .223 Pistol blueprint, in Junktown. At power house (right bottom side of town) you can ask a scientist in white lab coat about broken robot. High Science (100+) and Repair (150+) could be useful to do this successful.
That case of weapons the gunrunners give for the courier quests... can you open it and take the stuff in it? Is it something worth it?