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Author Topic: 7.62 ammo. Where can I find (+ How crazy is the new profession system)  (Read 3466 times)

So after alot of gathering and dieing I managed to collect enough money to learn Big Guns 1 from my friends in the Brotherhood.

After some more dieing due to Junktown guards taking an issue with my sledgehammer (use on) I eventually collected enough material to make my M60! And then I go to make bullets for it.

And I cant!

Apparently Big Guns 1 Proffesion teaches you how to make a weapon... but not how to make ammo for it. Now I will refrain from posting here how I felt at the time when I realised that. Suffice to say it the cat got scared when I started yelling at the screen. Yep, you can built a complex gun that fires big bullets on automatic but god forbid you think you know how to make the bullets that go with it.

So the question is... are there any vendors that sell those? I tried Junktown and NCR but noone had them... I plan to check out Gunrunners but I wanted to ask if it will be wasted trip or not...
Strength through unity,
unity through Faith.
Re: 7.62 ammo. Where can I find (+ How crazy is the new profession system)
« Reply #1 on: January 30, 2012, 01:41:48 pm »

dont know about merchants selling those but 7.62mm ammunition becomes available for crafting as soon as you lern level 2 of either big guns OR small guns profession... so just learn second profession level an make them on your own ;-)
Re: 7.62 ammo. Where can I find (+ How crazy is the new profession system)
« Reply #2 on: January 30, 2012, 02:21:21 pm »

You can look for at least one minigun with ammo, from dead unity guy, and then try to burst better raiders (those with fn fal rifle). Im not sure, how it works this session, but last time, they never shot you first (there was no karma influence on them), so you can easily reach point blank and kill them.
Re: 7.62 ammo. Where can I find (+ How crazy is the new profession system)
« Reply #3 on: January 30, 2012, 02:29:15 pm »

Thank you both for the advice.

I read that 7.62 is a rank 2 profession rank (which is CRAZY) but I am soloing and doing quests mostly so far so the 3000 caps required for the 2nd rank of the profession is a large amount for me. I really do find it highly crazy (and a bit unfair) that the ammo for the gun you get at rank 1 is at rank 2 but what can you do (other than mention HOW CRAZY THAT IS).

So yea, once I get the 3000 I will most likely go for rank 2. Then I will have to pray I dont get hacked to pieces trying to get advanced gunpowder...

As for the Unity/Raiders idea... I wish it was that easy... I have tagged Big guns as my combat skill and the only big gun I can use and make ammo (or buy ammo) for is the flamer... and I doubt at my low level and with a flamer I can hope to down guys with miniguns and fnfals before they make minced meat out of me...

But thanks for the advice anyway!
Strength through unity,
unity through Faith.


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Re: 7.62 ammo. Where can I find (+ How crazy is the new profession system)
« Reply #4 on: January 30, 2012, 02:34:20 pm »

You can look for at least one minigun with ammo, from dead unity guy, and then try to burst better raiders (those with fn fal rifle). Im not sure, how it works this session, but last time, they never shot you first (there was no karma influence on them), so you can easily reach point blank and kill them.

Same this season. I've noticed 3 types of raiders now.
Standard - guy (jackets,mauser) + chick(jacket,spear)
"Medium" - up to 6-7 raiders (greasers, FNfals, leather armors and jackets)
"heavy" - up to 7 raiders (spears, metal armors)

The "medium" ones doesn't attack you until you make first move or talk to them.
Polskie Pustkowia
Re: 7.62 ammo. Where can I find (+ How crazy is the new profession system)
« Reply #5 on: January 30, 2012, 02:39:10 pm »

i know what you mean   ;) kinda sucks that you can build a weapon but not the ammo for it. before last patch m60 even needet advanced workbench (i was like WTF?!  :-X ). As for the caps i dont get any from my faction and have to get them on my own (solo playing :D) but srsly 3k caps is not that hard to get! 30 metal parts 30 wood 120 junk... this resembles 60 spears = 3k caps

1hour (well maybe some minutes more due to the fact that junk is now only one piece per pickup) farming and you're ready to go... oh damn did i mention the rep farming for gun runners because you need advancend workbench for the 7.62 ammo?!  ;D


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Re: 7.62 ammo. Where can I find (+ How crazy is the new profession system)
« Reply #6 on: January 30, 2012, 02:44:01 pm »

The "medium" ones doesn't attack you until you make first move or talk to them.

What are you talking about, the "medium" guys attack anyone on sight but they carry lots of 7.62.
Same as the Rangers, they also carry 7.62
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Re: 7.62 ammo. Where can I find (+ How crazy is the new profession system)
« Reply #7 on: January 30, 2012, 02:47:25 pm »

Heh... 7.62 ammo is EASY!

Now what would you say to someone who went thru hell in searching for armor blueprint and after finally eating it came to realise that there are HQ fibers in game which are next to ipossible to aquire xD

craft, Craft, CRAFT! (armors)
sometimes repair dismantle stuff
...and most of all; DEATH TO NERFING!!!
Re: 7.62 ammo. Where can I find (+ How crazy is the new profession system)
« Reply #8 on: January 30, 2012, 02:50:07 pm »

Now what would you say to someone who went thru hell in searching for armor blueprint and after finally eating it came to realise that there are HQ fibers in game which are next to ipossible to aquire xD

I would say: "Nice to know im not the only poor bastard with this kinda problem!" ;-)


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Re: 7.62 ammo. Where can I find (+ How crazy is the new profession system)
« Reply #9 on: January 30, 2012, 03:13:56 pm »

Oh no

I think that this era armorers' asses has been kicked more severily than any other crafter types...

craft, Craft, CRAFT! (armors)
sometimes repair dismantle stuff
...and most of all; DEATH TO NERFING!!!
Re: 7.62 ammo. Where can I find (+ How crazy is the new profession system)
« Reply #10 on: January 30, 2012, 03:24:02 pm »

i know what you mean   ;) kinda sucks that you can build a weapon but not the ammo for it. before last patch m60 even needet advanced workbench (i was like WTF?!  :-X ). As for the caps i dont get any from my faction and have to get them on my own (solo playing :D) but srsly 3k caps is not that hard to get! 30 metal parts 30 wood 120 junk... this resembles 60 spears = 3k caps

1hour (well maybe some minutes more due to the fact that junk is now only one piece per pickup) farming and you're ready to go... oh damn did i mention the rep farming for gun runners because you need advancend workbench for the 7.62 ammo?!  ;D

Well junk and wood is not a problem but metal parts are! I find little iron ore in the mine in NCR and Junktown as its constantly farmed/depleted. So while I am not against spending time farming it takes such a long time I get bored... maybe if random encounter rocks could be farmed things would be simpler...

As for the advanced workbench! Why?

According to this it needs normal workbench:

Similarly even advanced gunpowder needs normal workbench!

It would be really annoying to need advanced for the most basic weapon and ammo for it out there!!! Let alone that I just saw that to make advanced gunpowder you need science 80!!! (which I dont have!!!!)
Strength through unity,
unity through Faith.
Re: 7.62 ammo. Where can I find (+ How crazy is the new profession system)
« Reply #11 on: January 30, 2012, 03:27:07 pm »

According to this it needs normal workbench:

Similarly even advanced gunpowder needs normal workbench!

do NOT rely on wiki its outdatet... you need advanced workbench for the advanced gunpowder too... as for the reason i dont know why :D
Re: 7.62 ammo. Where can I find (+ How crazy is the new profession system)
« Reply #12 on: January 30, 2012, 03:36:03 pm »

Is there a level requirement for the gun-runner thing?

I did the job for the guy in Hub that asks you to negotiate a deal and I also see that Gun-runners may be looking for Mercenaries as he says but when I ask about it he tells me I am not tough enough...
Strength through unity,
unity through Faith.
Re: 7.62 ammo. Where can I find (+ How crazy is the new profession system)
« Reply #13 on: January 30, 2012, 03:47:07 pm »

level requirement for gun runners delivery is lvl 5. dont know if you need some charisma or not though...
Re: 7.62 ammo. Where can I find (+ How crazy is the new profession system)
« Reply #14 on: January 30, 2012, 04:02:51 pm »

Well as I said elsewhere I am doing the came for the Fallout vibe so I did not make a twinked out combat character.

Hope my charisma 4 will be enough... I just turned 5 so I will try again.
Strength through unity,
unity through Faith.
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