I've just read in a thread that developers abandoned the game. Is that true or just random rambling?
I used to play this game a while back and I had a blast doing it.
Dunno what devs got on their mind but all i know is that this is 2 much of good work to abandon just like that...
The game is getting from f1&f2 combined 2gether to a mind blowing hardcore mmorpg game with a lot of new stuff
Just a few tweaks and fixes and i bet this can go into alpha version very soon
This is game is made by hardcore gamers for hardcore gamers if u are below 25 years old this means u didnt live f1 and f2 by interplay back at 94-95 and u prolly wont appreciate fonline 2238 and all the improvements, radical overhaul, newplaces and new features dev team added
Not to mention the bug fixes both the existing ones from f1&f2 and the ones that came up from fonline.
Not to mention the 3d models that has been done even if they are removed most of them atm. (on future this feature might come back personally i dont care much but it would be good to have full 3d models but its not the most important thing)
Even if current devs abandon this project (i dont believe they will) i bet someone else will come around get this started again
All is needed for now is to lighten a bit with proffesions and crafting make just a bit easier to be able to craft not high but med tech gear so peps have fun around and if they get PKed they are not like OMFG just lost the precious assault rifle i will never find another again.... then ragequit the game
i am not saying give free assault rifles but make it possible to craft a med teach rifle for mass production and not only for 10-15 lucky ones that found the blueprint
Lighten up the harshness attract new people and let them have fun!
i will help on that by fraping a lot and posting on youtube

ps. nice work and ty to the creator of fan art videos on youtube