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"Wasteland is harsh"
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Author Topic: And this is why you need an alt AND new people leave.  (Read 1234 times)

And this is why you need an alt AND new people leave.
« on: January 24, 2012, 11:36:09 am »

So I had tried the game a couple of wipes ago.

I generally enjoyed it especially when with friends.

I decided to give it another go after going through the forums and seeing some fun changes...

The issue of then off course remain. Now I understand perfectly well that this game is trying to stay "true" to the Fallout ideals. The wasteland is hard, you have to be fast and smart, trust noone and all that.

Its all well and good but the learning curve is steep and a game that tries to get new people in cant afford that. Sure half a dozen or more trolls which jump in and say "this aint no hello kitty mofo, if you cant take the heat, get out". And these same Trolls will go to the thread about low server population and cry that there are not enough people to have fun.

Yep... thats trolls for you.

So I am not saying this game should be easy mode but especially for new people this game is HARDCORE hard.

There I am trying to gather the precious brahmins skins in order to make my tent which I recall from all itterations of the game is the difference between success and failure... and I gather and gather and... BANG players walks into my frozen scene, kills me and loots me.

Ok, no worries lets try it again. This time I say I will play it smart, I shovel some shit, buy a luckily found sledgehammer, go get some ore, make bullets along with the scrap I collect and sell em for the skins already in the merchants inventory.

I go out to make my tent... oh damn a lightning. Lets see what the Gods through my way... crazies... I start running... BANG shotgun/rifle crazy shoots me down...

There go the skins again.

So I decide, well alting is the way to go.

I restart this process but this time every now and then I return to Vault City, unload my 'extra' stuff in a crate noone uses and patiently wait to log in with my mule alt. Slowly and painfully and with many logins/logouts and my heart in my mouth that someone will see this and take my things I manage to keep my riches in my temporary "human tent".

Now see, I knew this and had done it in the past. Its a "work around" and not how the game should work. A new player could have just as easily said "screw this I am done" the 3-4-5th time he dies.

F-ONLINE- is a game where you have to try and play it "solo". Other humans in the wasteland is a reason to turn and run and this is not the "healthy" way ahead for a game.

Sure, if someone decides to persist through the bucket load of crap he faces at the start he may get to join a guild/faction whatever AND then start enjoying parts of the game. But a new player doesnt have friends or acquaintances... and if anyone tells him "hey I will be your friend" he should know that person will shoot him in the back the moment they are out of the protected city.

Now I know I talk alot but I need to also suggest things...

so here goes.

1) Too few brahmin encounters. It took me a couple of Real Life days to find the meager amount of Brahmins that I did. Seriously AROUND STARTING CITIES (lets say the 8 squares around them) PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE increase the Brahmin encounter number.

Furthermore starting players have nothing so keep the amount of brahmin in said encounters to 1-2 MAXIMUM 3. Otherwise the noob player will die a horrible death.

2) Temporary 10 day tent on new registration. Gives the starting player enough time to collect some stuff and the mats to make his permanent camp. Alternatively make the place where he starts (that abandonded basement) revisitable.

3) When you die in the wilderness make THAT spot revisatable. At least give a guy a chance to get back what he lost. Maybe he gets to call his friends, maybe make a mad dash, maybe do some stealthing but losing everything because you reacted in 5 seconds instead of in 2 is kind of a shame.

So thats all... feel free to flame, you know where I am writting your negative comments anyway...

For those with constructive critisism or praise I am up for learning and hearing your opinions!
Strength through unity,
unity through Faith.
Re: And this is why you need an alt AND new people leave.
« Reply #1 on: January 24, 2012, 11:47:58 am »

Yes this game has a problem with attracting new players. There was some poll which asked how new people were. and the actual amount of new people was really low. It's starting to become a serious problem.

I agree that brahmins should be more common. Or more importantly there should be quests for brahmin hides. You can already lift boxes in the hub for some easy caps. but brahmin hides are 100 caps each so those boxes wont help. I think crafting is going the right way now, its fairly easy to get back up from the scratch with primitive tools and no requirements to make objects.

But I do think that the game should be slightly more forgiving for new players. different methods to make hideouts perhaps? The limit would remain at 1. but instead you could use some wood and junk at an old basement in a city to make a hideout there for just you. (just like a tent)

Or perhaps you could use some wood to reinforce a suitable cave and have that function has a "tent". 
This way you get some more diversity and new players stop having to rely on brahmin hides. Afcoarse you can tell them to go to modoc. But that entire area is dangerous. 

Either way. this thread has a better place in suggestions I think
Re: And this is why you need an alt AND new people leave.
« Reply #2 on: January 24, 2012, 11:55:20 am »

New player here, yes that would be great. Especially with the amount of ganking that happens on noobs. Speaking of, i was in NCR and i kept getting suicide ganked. One hit killed with a SMG, guy was using stealth, i never saw him, just suddenly 100+ damage. Guards killed him twice but eventually they stopped. Why is this and why can't i attack him back? I did not steal from or attack anyone. Very annoying because i Really couldn't do anything about it.
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