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Author Topic: Need Help  (Read 996 times)

Need Help
« on: January 24, 2012, 12:56:12 am »

hi, im need some help here please, i played fo online some time ago, i now i re install it, but i cannot uptade it, it istucks in the data/ archive. i tried to uninstall an uptade again, dont work!, i hope you can help me, i really want to play it again!
Re: Need Help
« Reply #1 on: January 24, 2012, 01:01:53 am »

Here's a quick guide for you.

1. Get the new files
* Download
* Extract contents to your FOnline directory. Overwrite everything.

2. Set up your settings
* Open "FO2238Config.exe" which is located in your FOnline 2238 directory
* Open "DataFiles" tab and locate your "master.dat" and "critter.dat" files.

3. Deleting some file(s)
* Go to your data folder under your FOnline 2238 directory (e.g. E:/Games/FOnline 2238/data/)
* Delete ".cache" files similar to this: "" or "". Do NOT delete "default.cache". No means no, don't touch it.
* If you didn't find any of these or just one of these. Delete the ones you found or just continue to the 4. step.

4. And one little thing more
* Check is the server online (
* Open "FOnline.exe"
* Click "Play". Use the default username and password. Wait, until you get back to the menu.

5. Register and play
* Click "Register" to create a character
* Play the game

Try this.
Re: Need Help
« Reply #2 on: January 24, 2012, 02:57:17 am »

it works! thanks!
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