He's long since been released, though I am leaning against not doing so in the future endeavours, so do let that be a bit of a warning. I wasn't inclined to release him in the first place. Doubt will do so for others again if you get yourself locked in someone elses room in such a way. Or at least, it might not be so painless in extraction.
I just cannot ... convey how hilarious this is, your loot/stash within the house aside. On all aspects so far: freaking hilarious. If its some loot you can bear to lose(which, truthfully, is everything, it just depends how much attachment you have to 'things'), I would leave him there, and even go so far as to continually renting the house to keep him there. Someone wants to go through the trouble of pking/robbing you.... Let him rot.
The only exploit involved abusing your intelligence