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Author Topic: Creatable Companions  (Read 2122 times)


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Creatable Companions
« on: December 04, 2012, 02:08:38 am »

I'm not sure if any topics like this have ever been created before, but if so give me a link please. If not, here I go.

My suggestion is to implement creatable npcs that will be with you until they die. Make them cost a healthy amount of cash (25,000-30,000 caps maybe). When you buy these npcs, (either from a new npc specifically for this, or a mercenary recruiter with added dialog) make them able to be customized with the same character creation screen that a player would get, choosing traits, s.p.e.c.i.a.l, and tags. Starting at level 1, obviously, as well as having the same amount of experience needed that a player would. Also allowing the owner to allocate the skill points and perks to his/her desire. Possibly customizable name, age and gender as well? I've been working with fallout 2 and the cheat boy mod, and I've found that implementing this is not very difficult. (at least in F2) Not sure about an online server sided game, although I don't see where that would make much of a difference. With this, I've gotten similar results in game-play to fallout tactics. I control both myself, and my companion during combat. I haven't been able to test this in real-time combat due to fallout being only turn-based. If any developers are interested in implementing this, or info on how I did it, pm me. (I'm sure we can figure out a much easier way to do this then my method)

Let me know some opinions on this.


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Re: Creatable Companions
« Reply #1 on: December 04, 2012, 02:16:59 am »

I'm not sure if any topics like this have ever been created before, but if so give me a link please. If not, here I go.

My suggestion is to implement creatable npcs that will be with you until they die. Make them cost a healthy amount of cash (25,000-30,000 caps maybe). When you buy these npcs, (either from a new npc specifically for this, or a mercenary recruiter with added dialog) make them able to be customized with the same character creation screen that a player would get, choosing traits, s.p.e.c.i.a.l, and tags. Starting at level 1, obviously, as well as having the same amount of experience needed that a player would. Also allowing the owner to allocate the skill points and perks to his/her desire. Possibly customizable name, age and gender as well? I've been working with fallout 2 and the cheat boy mod, and I've found that implementing this is not very difficult. (at least in F2) Not sure about an online server sided game, although I don't see where that would make much of a difference. With this, I've gotten similar results in game-play to fallout tactics. I control both myself, and my companion during combat. I haven't been able to test this in real-time combat due to fallout being only turn-based. If any developers are interested in implementing this, or info on how I did it, pm me. (I'm sure we can figure out a much easier way to do this then my method)

Let me know some opinions on this.
Sounds like an easier way to dual log... but I do kinda like this idea. Just make them permanent, I wouldn't want to blow 30,000 caps only to have them die because of a random burster. Also allowing the player to control them in combat... er... then its not really an NPC then now is it? Its basically glorified dual logging. Maybe make the NPC's smarter. But other than that I like it, its a pain to get fail NPC's.
——————/´ ¯/)———Rage Quit Threads
—————--/—-/———Town Burster's
—————-/—-/———Real Time Combat
———--/´¯/'--'/´¯`•_———Spawn Camper's
———-/'/--/—-/—--/¨¯\———Forum PvP
——--('(———- ¯~/'--')———NCR "PvP"

Killer Rabbit

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Re: Creatable Companions
« Reply #2 on: December 04, 2012, 02:50:11 am »

i would like to allow me to choose stats and perks for companions, so maby sf shiii could clone some random npcs and u can choose what he will be: his stats or just few random sets for bg sg and ew or mele. and he will have same loy system but he wont run away after few deaths.
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