Author Topic: Luther's 3D models snapshot link - Megaupload  (Read 6400 times)

Offline DanteAligheri

  • Sometimes I don't finish all my sandwich.
Luther's 3D models snapshot link - Megaupload
« on: January 21, 2012, 08:28:13 pm »
I'll start off by stating I despise the American government. Megaupload is down, or should I say blocked, because of those assholes. Now I'm entirely interested in testing/modeling/animating/etc. for the 3D development in 2238. The problem is I can't because I can't download the 3D model snapshot link as it's a Megaupload link. If anyone would be kind enough to post a separate link or mirror I would appreciate it ten-fold, as I can get to work as soon as possible. I haven't been on here for quite some time and things have come along more than I anticipated. I think it's time I helped out.

Re: Luther's 3D models snapshot link - Megaupload
« Reply #1 on: January 22, 2012, 05:59:05 am »
Doubly glad I downloaded the dialog tool before this happened, what is it your looking for? I may have it.

in Requiem, there is enclave, player driven faction. They have to gather, craft.. like everybody else, but they have special base and rank before their names. Their roleplay is based on kill everyone.

Offline DanteAligheri

  • Sometimes I don't finish all my sandwich.
Re: Luther's 3D models snapshot link - Megaupload
« Reply #2 on: January 22, 2012, 07:28:20 am »
Just the snapshot with Luther's 3D testing models and whatnot so I can set up a 3D compatible server following his stickied guide without SVN. The second (and third) link he posted in that tutorial are unavailable now. I REALLY would like to see this 3D dev. get going and I think I could help out wherever needed. What's been done so far is exceptional, however I would like to maybe change a few of the models and whatever here and there while trying to keep -\+200% poly count. I have only a little experience but I think I could produce some badass work. I want to see what I have so far in-game though to have a good look at things. The whole SVN and setting up my own server looks a bit tedious however. Especially with the download problem now.

Re: Luther's 3D models snapshot link - Megaupload
« Reply #3 on: January 22, 2012, 07:46:11 am »
I can imagine it was tedious, I used to have the pack, but I'm sure there are some more of those iso-metric shots used as an example somewhere in 3D development that you could use just to test the models, did you PM luther about it?
« Last Edit: January 22, 2012, 07:50:34 am by EnclaveSniper »

in Requiem, there is enclave, player driven faction. They have to gather, craft.. like everybody else, but they have special base and rank before their names. Their roleplay is based on kill everyone.

Offline DanteAligheri

  • Sometimes I don't finish all my sandwich.
Re: Luther's 3D models snapshot link - Megaupload
« Reply #4 on: January 22, 2012, 03:51:44 pm »
No I did not. I was going to, but I saw last night that he posted a big red message right at the beginning of his tutorials that he would re-post the links elsewhere and have them up and running again. I'm not sure if he just noticed, but I like to pretend he saw my thread and jumped right on it.  ;D

Thank you for your replies and helpfulness, I'll not soon forget it.

Offline Luther Blissett

  • Moderator
Re: Luther's 3D models snapshot link - Megaupload
« Reply #5 on: January 22, 2012, 04:15:29 pm »
Hi, good to see some new people wanting to help out :)

I'm going to try and sort the snapshot link now, with the others to follow during today. It'll take a while to upload (my upload speed is really bad), but the link should be on mediafire within the hour. I'll post it here and also edit into the original posts once done. I can't find some of the smaller files at the moment, but will re-prepare them if necessary.

Also : Graf - you will need to re-edit the new links into the russian translations on when you get time.

[edit - new links]
Fonline engine snapshot link
An old stable version, useful for quick testing 3D without SVN

3D models snapshot link
Snapshot of 3D repo 23rd September 2011, with Luther Blissett's test files

Extra dat files
These are the extra dats containing custom frm files. They can also be downloaded via the updater.exe.

1024x1024 layered PSD file, with outline, colour markers and base texture
subset map male.psd (~4.5MB)
subset map female.psd (~3.5MB)

I still need to sort out the base human models, but I think that's it. If anyone spots any other broken links anywhere, please let me know, cheers :)
« Last Edit: January 22, 2012, 05:52:05 pm by Luther Blissett »

Offline DanteAligheri

  • Sometimes I don't finish all my sandwich.
Re: Luther's 3D models snapshot link - Megaupload
« Reply #6 on: January 25, 2012, 07:34:50 pm »
Ah, I apologize for not thanking you sooner, I have been on, it just escaped my mind.

Thank you Luther, you the man.

Offline Luther Blissett

  • Moderator
Re: Luther's 3D models snapshot link - Megaupload
« Reply #7 on: January 26, 2012, 01:46:45 am »
No worries :)

Let me know if you spot any other links which aren't working (I know the base human x, 3ds, obj etc files aren't there still). Also, if you're trying to go through the tutorials, then let me know if you can make sense of them (a bit of feedback on what does / doesn't make sense is always useful).

Good luck!