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Author Topic: Who do you think are the nicest players you've ever met?  (Read 16668 times)

Re: Who do you think are the nicest players you've ever met?
« Reply #30 on: January 21, 2012, 04:02:55 pm »

Imma give a big thumbs up for Malice Song as well.
Iguana Pete's sister

Re: Who do you think are the nicest players you've ever met?
« Reply #31 on: January 21, 2012, 04:36:04 pm »

Absolutely only one guy, guys from TSAR gave some importance to me though, but the only guy that invited me to play FOnline Requiem, helped me level up and, because of him, I participated in my first Town Control(even with russians, it was special) is... Marko69
Well, of course he never really gave a damm about me, no one does.
Never participated in any Wichura event, but I like his avatar cuz I have a dog like the one at his avatar, so +1 to him
Re: Who do you think are the nicest players you've ever met?
« Reply #32 on: January 21, 2012, 11:09:39 pm »

arath, limbos and treesnogger all helped my noobish self. TGRT ftw.

oh and alphonse; once he shot me to negative hp, robbed me and then FA'd me. Real nice guy.
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20:50:01 • You were critically hit in the head for 55 hit points, knocked out and had your armor bypassed.
Re: Who do you think are the nicest players you've ever met?
« Reply #33 on: January 22, 2012, 03:59:24 am »

Good Man a-z

Haven't seen much of this guy post wipe :-(
Re: Who do you think are the nicest players you've ever met?
« Reply #34 on: January 22, 2012, 05:27:54 am »

Wichura and Malcie Song.

Re: Who do you think are the nicest players you've ever met?
« Reply #35 on: January 22, 2012, 06:51:18 am »

Good Man a-z

Haven't seen much of this guy post wipe :-(

I agree.  Good Man is one of the nicest players.  His name pretty much says it all. 
Haven't seen him much either, but hopefully I will see his signature "==" at some point int he near future.
Re: Who do you think are the nicest players you've ever met?
« Reply #36 on: January 22, 2012, 08:03:05 am »

Lost Soul is a cool cat,
So is Hood.
And a fella I met with outstanding RP, a "Doc" something...

in Requiem, there is enclave, player driven faction. They have to gather, craft.. like everybody else, but they have special base and rank before their names. Their roleplay is based on kill everyone.
Re: Who do you think are the nicest players you've ever met?
« Reply #37 on: January 22, 2012, 08:18:56 am »

Shit, I could make a list a mile long.
For starters there is a Czech player who went by the name of Snake Pliskin who showed me the ropes back in August 09. No joke I owe my entire time spent here to this man. I was ready to quit after being robbed in V.C. for the 50th time. He took me to his outpost and signed me in, showed where to find everything and anything I might need and even set me up in a cave with another new guy he knew. The player he introduced me to became one of my closest friends in this game, TommyTheGun. Through Tommy I met alot of great players most of whom were polish.

Here is a list in no particular order because they all hold the same rank in my mind.
-Wipe (back then it was the punk rock girl Samira in NCR)
-Frozen Mind (this guy didn't even speak for the first month i knew him, guess the waste finally thawed his mind a bit)
-Dex aka Hertz of MDK
-Psycho (even though we hated each other, he taught me how to stay sharp in gaurded cities by bombing the crap out of me, and he could be generous when he felt like it)
-Dead Eye
-There was a guy who used to stand in NCR and repair anything you brought him for no charge. He never stole your shit and was always polite even when you couldn't afford to tip him. I wish I could recall his name now. 

There are many others but like I said the list could go on forever and these are the ones I've spent much of my otherwise loner Fonline career with. Thanks to everyone who ever helped me keep my lone sniper alive in the wasteland.
Re: Who do you think are the nicest players you've ever met?
« Reply #38 on: January 22, 2012, 09:24:43 am »

Lost Soul is a cool cat,
So is Hood.
And a fella I met with outstanding RP, a "Doc" something...

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Re: Who do you think are the nicest players you've ever met?
« Reply #39 on: January 22, 2012, 09:49:29 am »

-There was a guy who used to stand in NCR and repair anything you brought him for no charge. He never stole your shit and was always polite even when you couldn't afford to tip him. I wish I could recall his name now. 

Was that by any chance Lotsa Payne?
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Re: Who do you think are the nicest players you've ever met?
« Reply #40 on: January 22, 2012, 11:58:37 am »

ME! (lol)

The tricky part is that i don't use my nick from forum within the game...

Pre wipe 2-3 months ago there was this fella named Frank Kost... awesome RP and a good fella

craft, Craft, CRAFT! (armors)
sometimes repair dismantle stuff
...and most of all; DEATH TO NERFING!!!
Re: Who do you think are the nicest players you've ever met?
« Reply #41 on: January 22, 2012, 12:36:10 pm »

-There was a guy who used to stand in NCR and repair anything you brought him for no charge. He never stole your shit and was always polite even when you couldn't afford to tip him. I wish I could recall his name now.

Most probably Martin Blues. Unfortunatly he's inactive atm.


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Re: Who do you think are the nicest players you've ever met?
« Reply #42 on: January 22, 2012, 03:13:00 pm »

Lovely people :P

Lag Master
Crow Jane
Good man - (=.=)
Natrakh Gore
..... list goes on

Even if some don't play we still remained friends.

« Last Edit: January 22, 2012, 03:21:43 pm by Gob »
Re: Who do you think are the nicest players you've ever met?
« Reply #43 on: January 22, 2012, 04:09:11 pm »

Psycho_Pussy, DeputyDope same fucking person = =
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Re: Who do you think are the nicest players you've ever met?
« Reply #44 on: January 22, 2012, 04:46:04 pm »

Not perhaps nicest, but coolest dude was Lawyer_Tim (or was it tom or ted, can't remember). I was total nuub back then and was scooping around in reno, trying to find pks to kill. Being completely inexperienced, apart from some hinkley any pvp was really exciting and going face to face with another armed player was absolutely terrifying because you couldn't tell if they were enemy or not. In the end I came face to face with this Lawyer Tim. He didn't shoot me on sight so we decided to team up. Eventually we had an epic fight against russian mutantleader which we lost, but good impression was made and I decided to go with the Lawyers.

Still don't know who it was from the actual Lawyer group.
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