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The end of freedom on the internet

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well well, i wondered how long it takes before such topic would be created, anyway i suggest everybody to get familiar with "freenet project" - its a poor for now but if there will be censorship of the net it will gain support and lot of data


btw Europe should be more afraid of ACTA not SOPA/PIPA

--- Code: ---TRADE POLICY
Anti-counterfeiting trade agreement
The Council adopted a decision authorising the signing of an anti-counterfeiting trade agreement
(ACTA) with Australia, Canada, Japan, the Republic of Korea, Mexico, Morocco, New Zealand,
Singapore, Switzerland and the United States.
ACTA is aimed at establishing an international framework to improve the enforcement of
intellectual property right laws and create improved international standards for actions against
large-scale infringements of intellectual property. Negotiations were concluded in November 2010.
--- End code ---

A part of pressdata EU Council meeting (last page)


Also we should think about usenet

And yes, im paranoid ; p

Dark Angel:

Quentin Lang:

Well, that at least shows the gov't scrubs that some people ain't going to live with SOPA and will take action if needed.

Another step towards new world order.

so i tried to dl something from megaupload and i guess its been seized... its the end of the interwebs as we know it


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