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The end of freedom on the internet

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In other words, people get used to the chains they get on. And that's pathetic.


--- Quote from: Reiniat on January 22, 2012, 09:11:09 pm ---OH PLEASE!!!!
When was the last time that you searched something useful on internet? Did you make something more than  just say "Go Anonymus, fuck SOPA"? How many time you spend watching porn?
People have the oportunity to know THE TRUTH (or at least something close to it) on internet, and what do you do with it? just use it for fun, banality.
THAT is the new order, that is the reason for censure became outdated, the new world order is based in the fact that people have the tools at his hands, but they live in complacency, they dont care, they dont need to care of the truth or make something against the order...they can watch horrible things in the news and then just "oh such a shame" "they must pay for it". AND WHAT CHANGES? NOTHING. Millions of humans are dying and what does the rest? "this is outrageous" "such a barbarity" and then what? NOTHING HAPPENS!!!

So, USA dont needs to censure the internet because censure something is the best way to make everyone interest in it. SOPA or any other laws are just pathetic intents to not lose money from music, videogames, movies, etc. companyes (wich in a perfect world, would surely be good requests), and you all pitty people raise your hands in the name of the freedom and the right of expression....  :P

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Big words....but what are you doing about this matter ?


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