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Author Topic: APK does it exist?  (Read 18173 times)

Re: APK does it exist?
« Reply #15 on: January 13, 2012, 08:38:51 pm »

A lot of smart peoples here ... REALLY  ;)
Avatar: Equality of rights for ghouls!
Re: APK does it exist?
« Reply #16 on: January 13, 2012, 09:09:22 pm »

I bet a 100 septims he doesn't even understand it himself.

Very few times have I seen a sensible post come from him.  (Something other people can easily comprehend without bullshit in it :P)
sarcasm never was your cup of tea, eh?

on topic, andreaz basically nailed it. This also is the same thing tttla, c88, tsar and guardians are doing it, among others. Being APk doesnt automatically mean that you judge people either, because by definition you only shoot to protect yourself from a potential threat.

You wouldnt call it "judging" another person to be bad if he already shot you.

What people dont get with tttla is, as the name says, (yes, tttla is just an abbreviation) that they have this judging part in there as part of rp. In order to be judged you have to come in contact with them first.

Anyway, I wouldnt evne consider rouges a pk gang for example as they dont go out in the wasteland specifically for the reason to kill bluesuits as section 8 are doing.


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Re: APK does it exist?
« Reply #17 on: January 13, 2012, 09:58:55 pm »

Just to add something, I get it TTTLA does their thing due to RP Reasons and well its quite fitting in a way, c88 has some good direction and thus it fulfills its purpose, TSAR got lots of nice guys but why would S8 go around doing that kind of stuff? do they get it off from murdering blue suits? or is it some jacked up notion of RPing? I really would like to know
I think it's much better now. It's strange to see how everyone is a millionare in a wasteland..


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Re: APK does it exist?
« Reply #18 on: January 13, 2012, 10:08:41 pm »

LOL they kill bluesuits for a even more easy to understand reason: power, like the feeling of hold a gun in real life, the feeling that you rule on someone or something, thats is more powerful than the reasons of APKs and thats whats keeps S8 alive until now. In the end, they just want what everybody else wants, thats why they still doing it.
Needless to say im still hate them
« Last Edit: January 13, 2012, 10:14:33 pm by Reiniat »
Current char: Oblivion, Oceansoul, Black Tears

Sorry for my bad english
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Re: APK does it exist?
« Reply #19 on: January 14, 2012, 02:08:42 am »

A lot of smart peoples here ... REALLY  ;)

Thanks, I like to kill things, especially czechs, they do some funny sounds when they die :D
Only people who are ready to die should be able to kill...


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Re: APK does it exist?
« Reply #20 on: January 14, 2012, 02:10:07 am »

sarcasm never was your cup of tea, eh?
When the person apparently showing "sarcasm" is the only thing he ever shows it goes to reason that's all he's capable of ;).
Whenever I say something, imagine \"In my opinion"/ being in the front of every sentence.
Re: APK does it exist?
« Reply #21 on: January 14, 2012, 06:18:03 am »

Just to add something, I get it TTTLA does their thing due to RP Reasons and well its quite fitting in a way, c88 has some good direction and thus it fulfills its purpose, TSAR got lots of nice guys but why would S8 go around doing that kind of stuff? do they get it off from murdering blue suits? or is it some jacked up notion of RPing? I really would like to know

TSAR, TTTLA, C88, Guardians, The Lost Children, GN13, Outcasts, etc etc etc...  you guys have a strong enough APK showing on the server.  There are more I'm forgetting, as always.

Someone has to be the bad guy, and we fulfill that purpose.

As far as the "only kills bluesuits" notion, why is it always left out or otherwise overlooked when we attack or kill a top level player in BA?  You guys never mention it.  Sometimes we win, sometimes we lose.  Sometimes I kill Vilgefortz and his buddy in CA escapes with 12 HP, and he has to bring a 5 Merc rocket team to kill me.

Whats up with that?

You want video?  They sure as shit ain't bluesuits.

So go ahead, do your thing.  We'll do ours.

- WD

Iguana Pete's sister

Re: APK does it exist?
« Reply #22 on: January 14, 2012, 06:46:07 am »

Anyway, I wouldnt even consider rouges a pk gang for example as they dont go out in the wasteland specifically for the reason to kill bluesuits as section 8 are doing.

i always find this really humoring, because its not at all true, we dont' "target" blue suits, we don't discriminate any gang, we will fight anyone, blue suits are just the ones that whine/grief the forums and that's all you ever hear about. Now don't get me wrong, if a blue walks into an encounter, anyone in my team would shoot him, but if he's a lowly crafter his stuff will most likely be at the entrance of the closest town along with a message telling him where to pick it up. We hardly grief others as much as we are griefed by the WHOLE community of Fonline. Its really quite absurd. But again I am humored. Clearly people are only scared of ghosts of merc traps from a year and a half ago......
"Everyman is evil yes, everyman's a liar"


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Re: APK does it exist?
« Reply #23 on: January 14, 2012, 10:12:40 am »

PK and Anti-pk its all bullshit.

I get mad when I leave people alone in their encounters at popular leveling spots, then they turn around shoot me or sometimes I get annoyed when players shoot me when I'm leveling, does that make me anti-pk? When I enter in unguarded towns I just shoot anybody on sight not taking the risk of the guy trying to kill me does that make me PK?

I think the whole anti-pk pk conflict is going to die now that we can get materials without going to mines. And PKing has a purpose this time around its no longer senseless killing but strategy if you want to make another faction lose influence in a town.

I just call myself a free player I don't abide by a anti-pk set of rules and just do what I feel like doing at the moment. Sometimes I leave players alone, other times I feel like trolling and getting a good laugh.
« Last Edit: January 14, 2012, 10:14:55 am by gr1m099 »


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Re: APK does it exist?
« Reply #24 on: January 14, 2012, 12:47:52 pm »

I saw some "APKs" at Gecko mine yesterday, they said that they are some anti pks and waiting for them, then I asked if they like pocket-filled guys coming out of mine, then they just said "fuk yoo" ... That determines how its to be a real apk...
I mean that htye just wait for some guy in better armor than bluesuit and better weapon than sledge to call him "peekay" and kill him on sight, thats lame imho.


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Re: APK does it exist?
« Reply #25 on: January 14, 2012, 02:22:15 pm »

Imo, being APK is also related to the population of server. If you don't want an empty server, you avoid to kill blue beginners.
Re: APK does it exist?
« Reply #26 on: January 14, 2012, 02:47:50 pm »

how do you explain these mutie camps at gunrunners, mines and sf tanker then? Was that some kind of "old" section8 and the new one has changed?
Re: APK does it exist?
« Reply #27 on: January 14, 2012, 03:51:22 pm »

grief others as much as we are griefed by the WHOLE community of Fonline.
As far as the "only kills bluesuits" notion, why is it always left out or otherwise overlooked when we attack or kill a top level player in BA?

Whoah serious stuff a player in BA , i almost wet my pants it seems that's some special occasion for you guys.

Please just come town control if you want to be bad guys and shit ....

oh wait .... right keep making traps near NCR

Re: APK does it exist?
« Reply #28 on: January 14, 2012, 04:09:38 pm »

Really you guys should stop, APK are the ones who prevent Players from being killed by other players by killling players who kill players
Easy to understand?
In fact, posting the age question on the subscription forms won't prevent pks from joining the faction, but it will prevent mostly good players, and what is stopping a real pk of posting a fake age in there, nothing, so stop being morons.


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Re: APK does it exist?
« Reply #29 on: January 14, 2012, 08:16:50 pm »

how do you explain these mutie camps at gunrunners, mines and sf tanker then? Was that some kind of "old" section8 and the new one has changed?
No, he is trying to say that they are not only "bluesuit killers" and they fight other things too. In a extend comprehension of all this stuff we can determine that EVERYBODY IS A MORON AND A VICTIM and further discussion will only inflame our brains.
I mean you can say "C88 is APK" "Rogues are not PKs" "Lagmaster is a tentraper" "S8 are n00b murders" because it is only relevant for certain situation and depending on the point of view of both sides.
Current char: Oblivion, Oceansoul, Black Tears

Sorry for my bad english
Quote from: Santa Anna
Any action or inaction in a position of power will always grant you enemies
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