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Author Topic: Some changes to steal  (Read 1576 times)

Some changes to steal
« on: January 11, 2012, 05:33:35 pm »


I would suggest two things about stealing:
- changing the cooldown time based on skill level, like doctor and first aid
- the initial steal command should also have chance to fail, after all it sounds absurd that some unskilled "thief" walks to me to see what items I have in my pocket/backpack


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Re: Some changes to steal
« Reply #1 on: January 11, 2012, 05:52:24 pm »

- changing the cooldown time based on skill level, like doctor and first aid

Useless, thieves usually use their professional 300% Steal build.

- the initial steal command should also have chance to fail, after all it sounds absurd that some unskilled "thief" walks to me to see what items I have in my pocket/backpack

Yeah, it's annoying when people use Steal to check out your inventory. It'd be nice if it had a chance to fail or a very short timer just like dialogue/barter windows. At least only when using Steal on player characters.
Re: Some changes to steal
« Reply #2 on: January 11, 2012, 05:57:41 pm »

Useless, thieves usually use their professional 300% Steal build.

IF it is already maxed out.


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Re: Some changes to steal
« Reply #3 on: January 11, 2012, 06:18:01 pm »

I know what you mean, but people will simply spend time levelling their thieves intensively, so they reach 300% quick and before going to NCR or other protected town to steal from others. This is something many FOnline players are already used to (levelling their character and not use them until they reach max level/needed skill %) so in other words, the cooldown could be implemented, but it really wouldn't do anything against thieves.
Re: Some changes to steal
« Reply #4 on: January 11, 2012, 08:44:57 pm »

I know what you mean, but people will simply spend time levelling their thieves intensively, so they reach 300% quick and before going to NCR or other protected town to steal from others. This is something many FOnline players are already used to (levelling their character and not use them until they reach max level/needed skill %) so in other words, the cooldown could be implemented, but it really wouldn't do anything against thieves.

Well, if anything it would prevent "loot-scouting". I mean checking multiple people's inv for his thief alt/teammate.


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Re: Some changes to steal
« Reply #5 on: January 11, 2012, 09:44:46 pm »

I dont want to create new thread, but my suggestion:

 If somebody steals from you anything, you (player) should be able to punish him (i.e. 5 minutes to kill him even in guarded cities), even your game char (avatar) did not notice it. = combination of passive (SPECIAL) and active (player) abilities

 a) If your avatar noticed it (dialogue text screen), you are able to kill him and you are sure that guards in guarded city wil not hurt or kill you.

 b) If your avatar did not notice it, you would not be sure, you will have to look to your inventory (time for thief to escape), count every item and amount (time for thief to escape), but you will have still possibility to kill thief. But if you are wrong, the consequecnes will be fatal for you (guards will kill you).

 This suggestion could cause, that players thieves will need to steal you and LEAVE, or they will need to steal only something from you (i.e. 1/3 of caps), so as a player you would notbe sure and you will rather accept some loss in opposite of being killed by npc guards, if you were wrong.
« Last Edit: January 11, 2012, 09:50:20 pm by Lordus »
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Re: Some changes to steal
« Reply #6 on: January 11, 2012, 10:18:01 pm »

This suggestion could cause, that players thieves will need to steal you and LEAVE, or they will need to steal only something from you (i.e. 1/3 of caps), so as a player you would notbe sure and you will rather accept some loss in opposite of being killed by npc guards, if you were wrong.
Ok, look, you're civilian and I'm a thief.
You're walking on street and singing some song, I'm steal tagged thief-alt who can't do anything in his life except for stealing. You decided to stop to trade with... damn they removed Sha Enin after wipe, well trade with some unimportant trader. Then, I use my super-puper steal skill and possess all your items, no one noticed it, except for some strange guy, there, in the sky who controls your avatar. And then you, very very mad, demanding justice, punishing me. What will it be from guards point of view? Some crazy guy hitting innocent bluesuiter for no reason! Need to stop that mad guy and kill him. It's ok. Because no one noticed my stealing, even your character, but it doesn't matter, when you see that your items disappeared after successful steal, it's the same as if your character discovered it, there's no way to prove that it's your items, because your character didn't warn guards in stealing process, so if you'll demand justice, it'll be against town's laws, as there's no proof, no proof - no crime. Of course there must be some ways to keep an eye on one person or something, or, as it was said already, make thieves risk something, because they're stealing in bluesuit anyway, and in case of fail/death they don't lose anything, but I really have no ideas how to make thieves risk something, except for reputation may be.
So here's my suggestion:
If your reputation is higher that reputation of thief, guards will trust you and you can always shoot thief if he stole anything from you, even if he haven't failed, also thief will lose reputation after that and lose protection (after your attack, if he stole anything from you). So thieves will need to always have high reputation to act like now.
Also there could be some message when they successfully stole from you, but has less reputation than you, or no message...
So thieves 1st: Need to earn reputation.
2nd: Be careful when steal from high rep people, because even if they succeed, they still can be killed and still lose rep.


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Re: Some changes to steal
« Reply #7 on: January 11, 2012, 10:42:28 pm »

Reputation = abuse. Like last era, when high rep. players were able to free PK any player in guarded cities.


 Wasteland: Somebody stole my stuff. I kill him and then i proove guards that this stuff was in my possesion. Guards let me go.

 But this is very complicated to implement. So simply, theif could steal you, you can kill him. Its on you, if you choose that possibility and take a risk that you were wrong. Simple solution. No more unvulnerable thiefs.
So long and THANKS for all the fish!
Re: Some changes to steal
« Reply #8 on: January 11, 2012, 10:49:19 pm »

Wasteland: Somebody stole my stuff. I kill him and then i proove guards that this stuff was in my possesion. Guards let me go.
I kill you, no, I kill everyone in town, I slaughter whole town, then NCR army comes to me and says "wtf?". I say "They all stole all my items, yes, this pink dress and that rangers badges, and all that brahmin shit and shovels and Sha Enin's shirt, it's all mine!". And then they believe me? Why?


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Re: Some changes to steal
« Reply #9 on: January 11, 2012, 11:01:10 pm »

Realism, or relation to reality si only one layer. More important layer is gameplay.

 Good gameplay is not that you can abuse throwing unlimited amounts of plasma nade to level up your thief in less than 2 hours and then you can steal stuff from players without any real consequences.

 If you want to play thief, level up your char (passive abilities steal skill, good thief build in general), then ACTIVE aproach! Then bluff. Pretend than you steal and loot dead body of your attacker (killed by NPCs), or steal only part of victims items, or run away.

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Re: Some changes to steal
« Reply #10 on: January 13, 2012, 02:53:09 am »

It makes sense. Trolls might use steal wise, and on suspecting player use science instead. However overacting to that is stupidity of victim, so it shouldn't be abused.
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