1. Atom confirmed the tables and sent me the jinxed tables, they haven't been changed. Your lack of knowledge isn't an argument. Btw energy pistols explode because energy has the worst crit table. Most tables have weapon destroyed as worst tier to land on, energy has weapon destroyed and weapon explodes hurting player.
Okay atom personally sent you jinxed tables, thank you for sharing with that information. Atom sharing critical tables with you personally hmm ... i find that hard to believe, but alright i presume your right about that then.
2. TC is not fonline, the majority of players have nothing to do with it.
TC is ... ehm team fights are the place where some kind of skill is required and even then not that much, controlling a character in fonline is to simplistic to have any kind actual dept behind it. When you say that a AC build requires skill that makes me laugh like mad, as i said you lack common sense.
3. I've been playing this game for three years, I've made dozens of builds every wipe and have in-depth understanding of the game mechanics. You are a pvp ape that only knows standing still with a minigun waiting for people to come in range.
I've made dozen of builds too, but who fucking cares? Seriously, you just lack common sense, hell what a skilled troll you are, participating in some actual team fights sure requires a little bit more brain than to run around like a moron and just troll people.
4. Most players are loners, some people (pussies) need friends to protect them when the fighting starts and save their gear. 1v1 combat takes skill, swarming just takes numbers. I've been in almost every major faction at some point or another, I chose to play solo because the people who still play this game are mostly assholes and I'm more efficient without other people's drama. I'd rather be Rambo then a generic henchman.
1 vs 1 takes skill? Factions are pussy, swarming? Stop typing, just cut off your hands, i just don't care how. I don't know maybe lay acid on your hands if that helps. I'm guessing you were kicked out from all "major gangs", that usually happens to all trolls eventually, i know players like you that have been in countless factions, they are never considered members and aren't trusted, if they aren't kicked then they don't linger around much, just a noob passing by.
5. Everyone is annoyed when they get killed by someone else. You think people aren't annoyed when some dbag with metal and a minigun bursts them? If getting killed by hth is such a problem for you maybe stop crying into your purse in the forums and find a less hard game. A troll isn't defined as every player you can't one shot. Btw your response would look a lot less childish if you used less insults and actually came up with an argument other than big gun always wins.
AC class trolls don't kill really they get lucky if they have the chance to try, they just troll, no skill involved, completely not at all because a 6 year old kid could run around and loot bodies with a character that can't be shot.
Hell yeah, tell me what real skill is keep it coming, noob. Troll that doesn't understand he is troll. Rambo 1 vs 1 pro that is skilled, oh my.

Guy that runs around bluesuited in the game most of the time will tell me about skill, this is just unbelievable.