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[Spoilers] Support perks locations

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Who Killed Bambi:
I suggest to add description to each perk by 6pt font and missed perks to list with red or green glow.

if people want description of perk they can look it up them selfs. i added a link on where to find it. no need for people to be lazy all the time.
if i add perks that are missing, people will just be that wtf you have it there why is there no location to find it durrrr hurrr.

Rosmy Sundr:
I still have not been able to get scout from stark.
6 6 8 10 6 4 5
lvl 9 154 ODM
already have ranger
there any other reqs beyond ODM?

well no one told me where scout is yet so it might not be stark.

In VC where you get all quest that woman talked something about scout (Yes scout SF, but also something else..)
But I missed that dialog and she never mentioned that again :/ shame


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