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[Spoilers] Support perks locations

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In Vault City, the Doctor can learn you something for sure, but I didn't have enough FA/Doc yet.


--- Quote from: Surf on January 07, 2012, 10:42:30 am ---People are supposed to find them on their own, so don't ruin the fun for some players. If you want to share the locations of these quests, do it in private please.
--- End quote ---

Now, when it's marked with (spoiler) tag, people who find it fun looking for them on their own don't have to look here.


--- Quote from: Redivivus on January 07, 2012, 03:38:19 pm ---Swift learner. Hub. Bookstore. Ask about 'special' book.

--- End quote ---

--- Quote from: Hololasima on January 07, 2012, 03:45:36 pm ---Atleast 50 science and 6 inteligence for this

--- End quote ---

a nice person sent me pm and told me where educated is.

 ok educated=

100% science needed

downstairs library talk to girl.

Obvious Gecko skinning.
Req: 50% outdoorsman
Location: Klamath, Trapper town, girl in metal armor near burning metal barrel.


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