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Would you like to have this profession in fonline?

Yes, i like authors suggestion
Yes, but not in the way author suggested
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I am 12 and what is this?

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Author Topic: Behold: scout (or scouting) profession  (Read 9401 times)


  • King of the wasteland
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Behold: scout (or scouting) profession
« on: February 18, 2010, 04:37:25 pm »

So scouts are already needed, they already work as taxi, but they have no profession i think that is not fair and my suggestion is to fix this unfairness.

No further intros, so i begin:

Scout profession level 1. (cost 1500 caps to learn). Requires 90% outdoorsman 6 endurance 5 intelligence to learn the profession. When you learn first level you also get Scout book.

Metzger in Den, will teach you for free if you are slaver.
Sergeant Stark in VC correction center.
NCR ranger Elise in NCR of course.
All caravan leaders from HUB.
Craftable items           Materials needed to craft                                  Also Need     Details
Rubber boots        1x fiber 1x gecko pelt 1x rubber doll and Scout Book     Workbench    Rubber dolls could be bought from Miss kitty in New reno for 20 caps each.      
Motion sensor       3x Electronic parts 3x metal parts                         Workbench          ----
Geiger counter     3x Electronic parts  2x Junk 1x metal parts            Workbench          ----

Scout profession level 2. (cost 3000 caps to learn). Requires 130% outdoorsman 7 endurance 6 intelligence to learn the profession.

Metzger in Den, will teach you for only 1500 if you are slaver.
Sergeant Stark in VC correction center.
NCR ranger Elise in NCR of course.
All caravan leaders from HUB.
Craftable items           Materials needed to craft                                          Also need                                     Details
Fuel Cell Regulator      4x Junk 8x Metal parts 1x Electronic parts 1x flint     Workbench      Just like fuel cell controller in f2. Can be input in all vehicles just not
                                                                                                                                         vertibird in New Reno in T-Rays shop for 1500 caps. It reduces traveling
                                                                                                                                         cost by 50%
Fuel Cell Controller      4x metal parts 3x Junk 2x alloys                               Workbench       Needed for items in profession level 3
Blower              4x Junk  1x metal part 1x golden gecko pelt and  Scout book  Workbench       Can be input in all vehicles just not vertibird in NCR with guy in robes
                                                                                                                                         near many wrecked cars. Increases vehicle speed by 10%.
Scout profession level 3. (cost 4500 caps to learn). Requires 170% outdoorsman 8 endurance 7 intelligence to learn the profession.


Sergeant Stark in VC correction center.
NCR ranger Elise in NCR of course.

Craftable items           Materials needed to craft                                                                                                            Also Need                                     Details
Buggy                      5x wood 10x junk 20x metal parts 10x alloys  3x electronic parts 4x rubber boots (for tires :D)   Workbench in T-ray shop only          ----
                                5x fiber  1x Fuel cell controller
Scout                       2x Wood 10x junk 25x metal parts 15x alloys 3x electronic parts 6x rubber boots  1x fuel cell   Workbench in T-ray shop only          ----

So i think thats all i can think off as my suggestion, and as i say its just a suggestion so things can be improved, changed and etc. But i think you get the picture :>                    
« Last Edit: February 18, 2010, 06:04:38 pm by vedaras »


  • General Animosity
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Re: Behold: scout (or scouting) profession
« Reply #1 on: February 18, 2010, 04:40:27 pm »

wow, player made cars, would make the game a lot more interesting, wonderful idea vedaras, i support you to 100%
Logged Over, Boyo II&b=Shoot 150 people as they are running away from you... In the arse&c=56&d=150&e=1703&f=1
Re: Behold: scout (or scouting) profession
« Reply #2 on: February 18, 2010, 04:53:24 pm »

You got a point +1 from me


  • King of the wasteland
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Re: Behold: scout (or scouting) profession
« Reply #3 on: February 18, 2010, 04:55:41 pm »

let me remind you to vote also, there is a poll up..


  • Teehee.
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Re: Behold: scout (or scouting) profession
« Reply #4 on: February 18, 2010, 06:53:11 pm »

The idea is great, ved. I'd even say it's a good job mate.
I'm not sure if I should write them because I don't want to pick holes in your idea. So just as always treat my posts as jokes. yay

What you showed us is not a scout but a mechanic/repairman so it should be yet another profession using repair and science and that's the problem. Same goes with my prostitution characters using CHA and Speech. We wanted to create professions using skills not used to their limits or in my situation not used at all.

Second thing is that only motion sensor is used anywhere nowadays if someone gets one ofc. Geiger counter is was always so useless I don't even know why did they put it into the game anyway. It looks and sounds cool yet it would be only a sell item to be a competitor for laser pistols in vendors inventory. Same goes for rubber boots, they have difficult to get items needed for crafting and are as useless as broken rubber doll.*

* if there are some significant changes to those items and they vary from those in f2 then mea maxima culpa - I don't know about this.

Now I don't want to just complain so here are things I'd add/change:
- change rubber boots for running shoes - held in hand would add 2 movement action points or scout shoes - increase of map speed by 5% <- scoot profession only
- Gaiger counter would give you +10% to avoiding all kind of ultra-mutated stuff like hmm.. mutants, ghouls, floaters, centaurs, toxic wastes, geckos.
- more minor car upgrades like roof machinegun, spikes +5 to awesome, extended trunk, lights for nocturnal combat
- craftable night vision goggles

+7 from me for the idea :3

Re: Behold: scout (or scouting) profession
« Reply #5 on: February 18, 2010, 06:59:24 pm »

This is great idea, nice work Vedares... :)
I have few suggestions though... collecting resources for a car and crafting one would really be a huge job, but a lot easier if you could find wrecked cars somewhere that are repairable.
So I would combine the list u made with the different kinds of car wrecks. As for example,
level 2 scout would be able to combine car wreck some and  parts and  brahmins and make a caravan. You can use the caravan to move the wrecks you find near big cities on some safe or convenient place.
Also , if you finally  make your own car , it would really be a bagger (due to a lot o resources needed) if someone still it from you.
level 3 scout can make car alarm, or some other kind of car protection system >D

P>S> also, add some science and repair requirements....
Re: Behold: scout (or scouting) profession
« Reply #6 on: February 18, 2010, 07:02:13 pm »

I love the idea too. I always likes scout professions in games, and this suggestion is just awesome.

[EDIT] After Kolex's suugestions, it wouldn't be a bad idea to decrease the prerequisites in Outdoorsman and include repair, as the profession is quite well oriented towards craft. I'm not sure about making it easier to make cars using wrecked items, as it really should be something hard and time consuming, before turning cities main entrances into parking lots.
« Last Edit: February 18, 2010, 07:04:38 pm by merkhad »
Re: Behold: scout (or scouting) profession
« Reply #7 on: February 18, 2010, 07:04:57 pm »

Geiger counter is was always so useless I don't even know why did they put it into the game anyway.

Same goes for rubber boots, they have difficult to get items needed for crafting and are as useless as broken rubber doll.

Yeah, i saw somewhere in "Suggestions", or may be somewhere else, someone said about caves, where is alot radiation, etc. Also need to add some encounters (may be in special places, where live centaurs, floaters, fire geckos and deathclaws) with radiactive wastes.
About +2 speed for move, when boots in hand... i think it's too much. Better allow to walk on radiation and take 0 damage, till boots melts, like in standart F2.
Geiger will help to detect radiation at caves, and may be some encounters.
Changed nickname. This acc not in use anymore. Please, devs/mods/gms/ whoever, you can delete it.


  • King of the wasteland
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Re: Behold: scout (or scouting) profession
« Reply #8 on: February 18, 2010, 07:12:41 pm »

I love the idea too. I always likes scout professions in games, and this suggestion is just awesome.

[EDIT] After Kolex's suugestions, it wouldn't be a bad idea to decrease the prerequisites in Outdoorsman and include repair, as the profession is quite well oriented towards craft. I'm not sure about making it easier to make cars using wrecked items, as it really should be something hard and time consuming, before turning cities main entrances into parking lots.

Well yeah repair could be added, but still im not a developer and im not gonna add it into game, so despite i agree with you in this, i will left these requirements unchanged :> And for example for brotherhood armor you need 18 alloys 15 metal parts and 12 fiber, and its base price is 30k and you can lose ba very easy even in ncr if minigunner kills you or suicides you know, so cars prices are 75k and 80k so i dont see why they should have exceptions when other items dont, cars should be able to be stolen.
« Last Edit: February 18, 2010, 07:14:46 pm by vedaras »
Re: Behold: scout (or scouting) profession
« Reply #9 on: February 18, 2010, 07:13:18 pm »

How about a new type of encounter is added. RADIATION ENCOUNTERS. Just entering them gets you radiated, the more dangerous the area the more dangerous the radiation. If you have a geiger counter, your chance of avoiding it is massively reduced. Outdoorsman does not affect your chance to avoid radiation, only having a geiger counter does. Then it'll become an interesting piece of survival gear.


  • Teehee.
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Re: Behold: scout (or scouting) profession
« Reply #10 on: February 18, 2010, 07:24:10 pm »

How about a new type of encounter is added. RADIATION ENCOUNTERS. Just entering them gets you radiated, the more dangerous the area the more dangerous the radiation. If you have a geiger counter, your chance of avoiding it is massively reduced. Outdoorsman does not affect your chance to avoid radiation, only having a geiger counter does. Then it'll become an interesting piece of survival gear.

I remember this encounter from fallout 2  - radioactive wastes - hell a lot of fire and golden geckos, instant high rad level + growing over time and acid everywhere. Now this should teach people to have their gaiger counters with them.


  • King of the wasteland
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Re: Behold: scout (or scouting) profession
« Reply #11 on: February 18, 2010, 07:28:10 pm »

So Nyan told me one good thing, you allready need 80% repair to gather el parts, so you cant be noob in that skill :>
Re: Behold: scout (or scouting) profession
« Reply #12 on: February 18, 2010, 07:52:09 pm »

Blower? Like a supercharger? Put into a car with an electric engine? Crafted from gecko pelts? By a scout? WTF, man?

It's a hell of an incoherent profession. Besides, scout is already planned, I think, and its main feature is supposed to be tracking. Making cars should be a job for a car mechanic...


  • King of the wasteland
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Re: Behold: scout (or scouting) profession
« Reply #13 on: February 18, 2010, 08:10:27 pm »

Blower? Like a supercharger? Put into a car with an electric engine? Crafted from gecko pelts? By a scout? WTF, man?

It's a hell of an incoherent profession. Besides, scout is already planned, I think, and its main feature is supposed to be tracking. Making cars should be a job for a car mechanic...

Blower like in f2, and same guys puts it in like in f2 so i dont see a problem. I imagine scout as traveling dude, and if his life is  traveling and he doesnt separate from his car very often then he knows where is what part and what that part does so i dont see a problem here neither, and according to the votes similar others think. And about those gecko pelts: i dont think you would craft a gun from alloys or metal parts neither but they are in, just chill out and enjoy the game like we all do :>

And i dont believe that  tracking thing could be available, people complains would not stop because of that. Why you think admins nerfed stealing? And tracking would be even worse.
« Last Edit: February 18, 2010, 08:18:40 pm by vedaras »
Re: Behold: scout (or scouting) profession
« Reply #14 on: February 19, 2010, 02:58:52 pm »

Looks nice. Building you own cars sounds......... interesting.
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