Other > Closed suggestions
More options/settings to slaves
To make slaves use every armor and weapon they would need to have all the animations, ergo they ALL would need to have the 3d models or be 2d VD char model clones. As far as I've remembered now only the player chars will have 3d anim. Isn't it the wrong wipe to start such discussion?
Slaves mining ore for you? No. Not because this not sounds reasonable. Because this game need to have some goddamn balance.
Frozen -> Sounds great. That's the job for a slave: go and grub in the massacred bodies. Master is too good for that ;]
Only one 'but' -> there should be sth made to not get it interfere with NPCs body looting (like in an encounter with Raiders and NCR Patrol. Patrol has a script to treat themselves as having the right to the 'first loot' and shoot those who try to take that right from them)
--- Quote from: DrapiChrust on March 14, 2010, 07:13:39 pm ---Slaves mining ore for you? No. Not because this not sounds reasonable. Because this game need to have some goddamn balance.
--- End quote ---
Can you, please write a little more about goddamn balance and why it will be ruined by slaves mining ore?
OK, Eyes. It goes like that:
At the moment, crafting is based solely on clicking and waiting. Ore (and minerals) lies everywhere, and with proper profession you can make decent items out of those. It is the timeout that makes high tech stuff not pile up everywhere (this topic is not a place for commenting how a great solution is that). If a player wouldn't even need to craft that goddamn everlasting, imnipresent ore this would mean making items out of thin air.
How do you imagine that? A charismatic slaver enters an 'ore encounter' and mines minerals. He issues his 5 slaves to mine ore. 10 seconds later he's got enough resources to make a metal armor.
4x5 ore/2ore for metal part = 10 metal parts + 5 ore
5ore+5 minerals = alloys + 2ore+2minerals
then a slaver uses a workbench = *poof*, Metal Armor
Then you wait a minute/two for the timeout to drop and repeat the operation...
*poof*. metal armor
*poof*. metal armor
*poof*. metal armor
*poof*. metal armor
*poof*. metal armor
*poof*. metal armor
I feel obliged to remind that metal armors are the more resource-eating items, if you want to craft guns or ammo then even a 2 slaves would do. That means that a lvl3 slaver alt can in half an hour a day easily restock the ore and minerals (thus metal parts and alloys) for the whole gang.
This is what I call 'a lack of a goddamn balance'
As long as somebody will make finding resources be a challange itself (I don't mean having enough patience to stand like and idiot by the ore for an hour as it is now, even if it is somewhat challenging) I say a big 'no, no, dammit NO' to slaves gathering ore.
slaves gathering resources is a good idea. What are slaves for if not to exploit them. But in order to balance it- they should loose 10% of max hp every gather(untill they drop dead or rebel against you and try run(as they feel missthreated), then you have to go look for new slaves), and the resource ammount should be like 3 not 5. Having to replace slaves every day of gathering could be nice.
/the idea itself is great- just need some balancing.
Thank you for detailed answer DrapiChrust, il try to make my suggestion more clear.
First, timeouts for mining arent equal to timeouts for crafting. Being a slaver you can get big amount of raw material in a short time, yes.
But it doesnt mean you can make useful items every 6 minutes (timeouts for crafting remain the same).
Second, concerning alts. As i mentioned before, making a good slaver isnt easy. This is not a teoretical reasoning, ive tryed it myself, and i have to say levelling up is hard even with some help of your faction. So if one will decide to make a new slaver-alt (to help his crafting-alt with some resourse) he will be unpleasantly surprised.
Third, the life of slaver will not be so easy as it probably seems. You have to catch slaves, bring them to base, heal them up, and only after that youll be able to go for resourse. Dont forget about probability of rebellion.
Concluding this, nothing like
*poof*. metal armor
will happen
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