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[IRC] Ban problem
This is a record from #2238 channel ban list:
--- Code: ---== #2238 *!*Tomislav@*.adsl.net.t-com.hr bamboo.forestnet.org 1324906503
--- End code ---
This is a result of /whois Besmrtnik:
--- Code: ---[forestnet] -!- Besmrtnik [~Tomislav@x-3972.adsl.net.t-com.hr]
--- End code ---
In order to enter the channel change your hostname/IP (*.adsl.net.t-com.hr) and real name (Tomislav). However, it could be considered as avoiding the ban. You could still ask someone to remove it.
I can confirm what Aquare said, youre banned, yet I wouldnt try to avoid it, Im sure some kind op will unban you.
god dammit you are smart guys thanks, so I need to ask any 2238 operator to remove it right?
LOL... We use the N word more times in a minute than Chris Rock does in an hour watching one of his stand up specials.
I hate the 2238 irc channel :\ I always wondered why I got banned for saying nothing. They need to fix the thing with randomly banning people.
Yeah all I can say is talk to a #2238 moderator. But good luck with that...
Don't do anything they consider ban evading, I got into an argument with the forestnet admin and almost got banned from forestnet entirely.
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