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[IRC] Ban problem

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yeah I remember now you told me that some admint threted you that you will be banend from whole forestnet becouse using proxy, thats wierd, why using proxy would be forbidden... I use proxy when connection to IRC becouse I dont have other way... but I hate to use it becouse proxy often dying or half dying so, my irc is poping out all the time, connected,disconnected,connected... it gets on my nervs thats why I want to fix it...

I didn't neither suggest changing real name nor evading ban at all. I just wrote, what kind of ban was used as Besmrtnik asked. When you connect to ForestNet, rules appear and most likely knowledge of those allows you to avoid every problem of this matter.
   About that "N" word. Books recommended as obligatory reading in some teachwares contain it and for a quite long time, no one has had any problem with it (including specific context of course). Anyway, every channel has its own rules. :)


--- Quote from: IRC ---19:15 -!- mode/#2238 [-b *!*Tomislav@*.adsl.net.t-com.hr]

--- End quote ---


--- Quote from: Aquare on December 27, 2011, 06:13:58 pm ---   About that "N" word. Books recommended as obligatory reading in some teachwares contain it and for a quite long time, no one has had any problem with it (including specific context of course). Anyway, every channel has its own rules. :)

--- End quote ---

Its a racist term but we just call each other it out of humor. Its not so much the word itself its the way the word is used. In this case besmrtnik was just being funny calling me it, we call each other this all the time on our mumble trying to be funny. Its a stupid sounding word when said it sounds funny for a cuss word it doesn't have much force behind it like saying fuck or bitch. It was originally an American southern slang word for the word slave which is why it would appear in books written in earlier time periods. I guess we just get a kick out of the word just the same way as most get a kick out of the word kurwa. Were all amused by each others country's swear words :X

But generally its not a word I would say if I were acting in a professional situation, it is offensive but you know offensive words are funny and why a lot of comedians use them in their acts.

I can understand the rules against this in the IRC and using it in fonline in general, but I honestly think the admins need to stop being so ban happy and just give warnings and kick instead of resorting to a permanent ban for everything.

wipe what does your quote mean?


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