Other > Winter 2011/2012
Followers points
Would stop the need to delay their reactions too, might be the easier answer
--- Quote from: Solar on December 28, 2011, 12:53:16 pm ---And yet those points have been lost because he's been an arse. There's a lesson there kids.
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Haha loool... but still, its one of your best arguments;)
you can always say someones complaining about game 'youre an arse, i dont talk with you'.
and people stop complaining! And keep playing. Thats how it works:) remember, close your eyes and keep pushing - youre always right:)
" hmm fonline is really crappy now... i should quit... but its because chrupek wasnt polite... ok im gonna play few next wipes. Maybe, someday, chrupeks gonna leave forum, and Solar would be happy enough to cooperate with players... worth a try. "
The echoing footsteps of a ban approaching. Delightful.
--- Quote from: Solar on December 28, 2011, 02:36:56 pm ---I've no idea how the mercs stats are derived at the moment. I'd like them to be just given a range for each stat and then randomly roll them up when bought.
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I think the stats are constant, but hitpoints vary alot. If you buy mercs with a char who has END, luck and cha1, you get totally ass mercs. If you max those 3 stats, you get the highest hp mercs possible and those are the kind of mercs people are after.
I'm sure we can sort the stats range before / soon after the wipe.
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