FOnline Development > Share Your Work

FOnline Character Planner

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--- Quote from: borse on September 29, 2010, 01:36:56 pm ---link seems to be broken for me :S

--- End quote --- is incorrect link. I didn't remember to change it to the first post, but however it should redirect you to the correct one (Correct one is ).

The page might be unavailable sometimes (rare). Just try again in few minutes.

Edit: Fixed one bug with perks. You were able to take perk even, if you "lost" one. Now the planner won't let you continue until you choose a perk.

Graphical bug: the save window has two buttons: "Select" and "Back", but it should have "Save" instead of "Select" if I am not wrong.


--- Quote from: Floodnik on September 30, 2010, 05:40:37 pm ---Graphical bug: the save window has two buttons: "Select" and "Back", but it should have "Save" instead of "Select" if I am not wrong.

--- End quote ---

Yep. All windows are using the same graphics.

So what's with the cookie man?

Bug: when you gain 2AG via drugs, Action Point is not corrected.


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