FOnline Development > Share Your Work
FOnline Character Planner
What is the point of this?
You can plan characters without doing calculations yourself. Makes planning of characters much easier and faster. This doesn't make character to the game itself.
- Simulates the character creation and leveling up process
- No registering needed for basic usage
- You may save builds and link them to friends
- All perks (normal and support), traits, drugs etc
- Calculator to calculate Chance to Hit, real Critical Chance, required AP and normal damage.
Try it
What else?
Please, tell me if you find bugs, mistake in calculations or anything else. Thanks. :)
- Unarmed/Melee hit and damage calculations implemented
- Bug fixes
- Browser support check has 36 hour timeout
- Changed screen update to update the screen only when needed (performance improvement)
4.0.0 (Post-wipe)
- New design (whole
- Improved perks/drugs/quests selection
- Improved save/load (no need to login to save builds for a while)
- Better browser support (Tested with Chrome 16, IE9, Firefox 8, Opera 11.60 (font bug, because of a bug in the browser, reported to Opera)
- Improved version support
- Added FOnline: Requiem version (beta). Doesn't contain all content and might be inaccurate.
- Support for other FOnline games
- Scroll buttons are now functional again, mouse wheel is still functional too
- Chance to hit is updated automatically when editing skills
- Fixed a bug
- Bug fixes
- Using HTML5 canvas element for most rendering
- Improved build loader
- Builds are saved forever (registering needed)
- Direct link to builds (see the last tab)
- Rate builds (like/dislike)
- Build categories
- (No support for IE8 and older. Might work with IE9)
- Changes there and there
- Chance-to-hit calculator
- Few bug fixes
- Info box back in business
- AJAX (almost 100% realtime)
- Back button
- Public and private builds
- No need to reload the page on level up (faster to make builds)
- Critical chances are now using the new formula
- Builds are saved for 14 days instead of 7
- Drugs are now updated
- Bug fixes
- Fixed few bugs.
- 4 profession can be taken
2.0.0 Beta
- Rewritten whole program (using better techniques).
- Support for running multiple FCPs at the same time (just open FCP in tabs).
- Better support for browsers (Opera, IE).
- Little adds/changes there and there (infobox, drugs SPECIAL, layout).
- Finally Options window with some options.
- Many 1.1 version's bugs fixed.
- Fixed Heavy Handed trait. It works correctly with low ST (Strength) now.
- Save / load is now more user friendly. You can use A-Z, a-z, 0-9, spaces and underscore in names. A-Z, a-z and numbers in passwords. It doesn't really matter do you type Example or example in name. You can load it with both. But Example and example are different words in password.
- Added critical chances for unarmed attacks.
- Fixed Medic perk. Gives now +20 to First aid and Doctor.
- Fixed Living Anatomy. Gives now +20 to Doctor.
- Fixed Magnetic Personality. You can take it with CH 10 (Charisma 10) too.
- Drugs added. (Under "Other" button)
- Few bugfixes.
- Reset button works correctly now.
- Updated interface.
- New functions (New, reset, save/load...)
- Added quests that improve skills.
- Added tabs (Perks, Combat, Craft). Combat tab shows your critical chances. Craft tab shows what professions you have selected, what materials you can gather and what items you can craft.
- "Infobox" near cursor. (Little problems with Opera 10.10 and IE 8. I'm going to fix this.)
- Some bugfixes.
- Survivalist perk has now rank 3 (it can be taken 3 times).
- No doubled effect for perks that modify skills, if modified skills are tagged.
- Fixed perks that improve skills. You don't get "additional skills points" from these anymore.
- Fixed Salesman perk. Adds +40 % instead of +15 % to Barter.
- Disabled Mr. Fixit perk (it is not ingame yet).
- Fixed Gain Aglity perk. Adds +1 to AP (Action Points).
- Fixed Gain Endurance perk. Adds +2 to HP (Hit Points).
- Fixed Weapon Handling perk. It shows in the list now.
- Small changes in the code.
- Many bugfixes.
- Rewritten perk selection code.
- Added some missing perks.
- Rechecked perk requirements. Few perks got correct requirements now (Faster Healing, Medic, Mr. Fixit and some other).
- Fixed Finesse trait. Gives now +10% instead of +1% to critical chance.
- Fixed Night Person trait. You can pick it now.
- Released the whole thing.
Finesse gives 1% crit, not 10%.
Also you can pick all the perks, no matter requirements ;p
Also i can't pick Night Person.
--- Quote from: UbiValkin on February 17, 2010, 04:52:36 pm ---Finesse gives 1% crit, not 10%.
Also you can pick all the perks, no matter requirements ;p
Also i can't pick Night Person.
--- End quote ---
Please, tell me your browser?
I'm going to fix Finesse and Night Person soon. :)
--- Quote from: vedaras on February 17, 2010, 04:58:19 pm ---fail
--- End quote ---
Why? Try it.
--- Quote from: Opera on February 17, 2010, 05:01:00 pm ---Please, tell me your browser?
I'm going to fix Finesse and Night Person soon. :)
--- End quote ---
Google Chrome
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