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3.0.1 released:
- Few bug fixes
- Info box

Some important info for Firefox users:
You will notice some huge performance drop when using FCP. This is not related to changes in 3.0.1. Firefox's new version 3.6.10 probably causes this, so I cannot really do anything about this.

EDIT: Fixed bug with Chrome. It's possible to choose Private build now.

The window is annoyingly jumping up and down when trying to choose a perk. Maybe you should make the info box show up all the time, it's just empty when you don't move your mouse over anything to describe.


--- Quote from: Floodnik on September 25, 2010, 08:02:17 pm ---The window is annoyingly jumping up and down when trying to choose a perk. Maybe you should make the info box show up all the time, it's just empty when you don't move your mouse over anything to describe.

--- End quote ---

I don't really know what you mean (I'm not having any problems with the info box when choosing perks.). What browser do you use? It might be browser related.

I tried with Chrome and Firefox.

I'm using Firefox.
It's that when I try to choose a perk, in example I want to take Lifegiver, i move my mouse over it, the info box pops up at the top and the rest of the window gets moved down - i suddenly find my mouse over the Weapon Handling perk. Then i move my cursor down, the info changes everytime i'm over another perk and it's just very hard to aim at the one i wanted to take :P


--- Quote from: Floodnik on September 25, 2010, 10:15:06 pm ---I'm using Firefox.
It's that when I try to choose a perk, in example I want to take Lifegiver, i move my mouse over it, the info box pops up at the top and the rest of the window gets moved down - i suddenly find my mouse over the Weapon Handling perk. Then i move my cursor down, the info changes everytime i'm over another perk and it's just very hard to aim at the one i wanted to take :P

--- End quote ---

You might have old .css file cached. Try pressing CTRL + F5.


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