Other > Closed suggestions

Disable/nerf preview

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--- Quote from: vedaras on February 18, 2010, 07:31:43 am ---at least when towns are being taken it must be disabled, it takes all fun from pvp :/

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I'd say this summed up the thread in a nice way.

yeah, i agree with it being disabled when tc is going on, no independent player is dumb enough to walk into a town while it's being taken.

Agreed. Simply disabling it when TC is on seems simple and elegant.

As for spy satellite:
Binoculars? The view you get is quite similar to what you could see when positioned somewhere slightly higher and looking through them.


--- Quote from: blahblah on February 18, 2010, 05:09:48 pm ---Agreed. Simply disabling it when TC is on seems simple and elegant.

As for spy satellite:
Binoculars? The view you get is quite similar to what you could see when positioned somewhere slightly higher and looking through them.

--- End quote ---

If you use binoculars, you risk getting sniped. Preview doesn't cost you anything. And disabling it for TC is a splendid idea, already mentioned in another thread too.


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