Other > Closed suggestions
Disable/nerf preview
I feel your pain, but at the same time this is a perfect moment to throw in "THE WASTELAND IS HARSH" to justify waiting.
Poor solo players were butt-raped all the time before the preview was added and now you can taste your own medicine by seeing how not fun it is to be unable to enjoy the game because of "realism."
Quick fix:
Town control timer goes down faster for each person in the Town Hall or wherever would be the zone to guard. Down to say 10 minutes if 10 people wait there. Or maybe down to 20 minutes from 40 if nobody is standing there.
--- Quote from: blahblah on February 18, 2010, 02:58:52 am ---I feel your pain, but at the same time this is a perfect moment to throw in "THE WASTELAND IS HARSH" to justify waiting.
Poor solo players were butt-raped all the time before the preview was added and now you can taste your own medicine by seeing how not fun it is to be unable to enjoy the game because of "realism."
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Where's the realism in "I has a spy satelite olololol?" It's the opposite of wasteland is harsh. It's a carebearish feature that introduces carebearish ways of settling things to PvP. Where's the harshness if you can more or less see everything without risking anything? Do real scouts operate like that? Do real soldiers have a timer that tells them it's all over? The entire situation looks and feels so dumb and awkward it's not even funny. And as far a solo players are concerned - why the hell would they HAVE to go to TC-enabled areas in the first place? You could get everything including all the profession levels elsewhere - and if you really want to do those basic quests which are worth about 5000 exp anyway than having a small party virtually eliminates the risk if one person volunteers to do some scouting. If you want to go there just for the kicks and giggles, don't be surprised if you get shot. On the other hand, we CAN'T bring our crap elsewhere. Well, we could, but there was a lot of butthurt last time we did that, including a GM spawning over 9000 guards at VC entrance. I can't really understand how all these solo-players muster the audacity to have any serious claims to northern territories as their natural habitat in the south is generally safe and really works while gang based PvP is totally screwed and has remained next to unplayable for quite a long time.
--- Quote from: blahblah on February 18, 2010, 02:58:52 am ---Quick fix:
Town control timer goes down faster for each person in the Town Hall or wherever would be the zone to guard. Down to say 10 minutes if 10 people wait there. Or maybe down to 20 minutes from 40 if nobody is standing there.
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If anything it'd make matters worse by shortening the timeframe in which combat does happen (nobody takes the towns in the initial 40 minutes because it doesn't matter at all).
--- Quote from: Nice_Boat on February 18, 2010, 02:38:37 am ---Oh, so I have to draw you a picture? Fine, we do stay hidden. Nobody's on the town map. There's no real way of making a good ambush as scouting using preview (unlike sending in bluesuits) is basically efortless. It's like everyone in the entire wasteland has his own spy satelite. The game goes like this: two teams are camping WM, one enters, takes the town, goes out. If the other one catches them during those 30 seconds, it's on. But it usually isn't. So to actually have a fight you have to camp the town and provoke the other guys. This shit looks more like a complex mating ritual than actual combat. And I'm not even complaining about the fact that it looks both stupid and unrealistic. It boils down to waiting. And waiting. And waiting. There's no fun in that. I actually did go for my PSP once town control started today. I advanced quite a few ranks in Tekken 6. Had to take two 15 minute breaks to see some action in FO. In about 6 hours. Get it now?
If you want to keep it as it is, just be honest and vote to rename the game. I'd suggest "Fallout: War is Boring", "Fallout: Guard Duty" or "Fallout: Did You Know That Soldiers Spend But A Tiny Fraction Of Their Time Actually Fighting?"
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Sounds sexy
at least when towns are being taken it must be disabled, it takes all fun from pvp :/
If someone could summarize that thread to lazy me, I'd be grateful. Cause well, we know the issue, we have to address it, sooner or later, the sooner the better I suppose.
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