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Author Topic: TEH WIPE IS SOON!  (Read 20555 times)


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« Reply #75 on: January 02, 2012, 06:12:10 pm »

you have to be open to their expectations and fulfill them as fast as you can, because you no longer do it only for yourselves, but for people who use your "product".

Sounds good written down. But as said countless times, there's already a problem with "as fast as you can" and that problem is called real life. Also, while it is true that players' opinion should be listened to, it doesn't mean devs should let this game become an abominable monster very different from their original idea because of that.

And for me, the best reward is knowing that people enjoy my work and are using it, otherwise there's no point doing it as I could take time to widen my own knowledge in other fields or spend more time earning money or having fun with family. If you really want to do it only for yourselves then close down the forums and make project closed. But as I said, since the moment you went with it to the public and let people use it, creating a community, you no longer do it for yourselves, but for people/community that uses it.

Not entirely true... Players LOVE this game, and enjoy it a lot. That's why they keep coming back to the forum and some even play again after quitting. But anyway they keep posting stupid things such as "wipe or gtfo", "wipe is a myth", "fuck devs and gms", having no respect to the people that makes this game exist and work. If players want devs to really care about their opinion, they should work a bit on their "discipline" a bit.

And the worst thing that can happen to an indie project is loosing player/userbase, and I'm suprised you don't know it yet.

I don't think this game will ever lose its playerbase. As said above, people complain a lot, but even if they don't want to admit it, they love this game.

I'm aware that it's hard to estabilish any deadlines with projects like that, but it's always a good idea to set up at least a basic development plan, and I can say from my very own experience that it's way better to introduce smaller updates but more often, because this keeps users hooked up to the project and they know that stuff is being worked on all the time, than release one big update once a year or even less.

Maybe they first need to do great changes, which demand time to work on, to allow smaller changes? And do you think players are not hooked? I am sure that a great majority of the "wipe is a myth" people who kept trolling on these forums will come back as soon as they know the server was wiped. Some of them even keep cheking the forum, some of them even keep spending time trolling even when they're not playing!

Also the more info from devs about current development status the better. You've got blog and you hardly use it to inform players what's going on right now, what you plan to introduce after wipe and so on. This keeps players eager to play and wait for upcoming release.

It was obviously nice to see, for example, Scypior's posts, and I'm not saying I give no importance to communication, but I think it's better if devs spend their "FOnline time" doing actual work instead of typing blog posts. Why? because with blog posts they try to communicate stuff to the playerbase, but the playerbase will continue trolling. So I perfectly understand if devs don't want to "waste time" typing such posts.

A good idea is to set a fixed shedule for wipes and seperate them from updates development process.

Has it not been said that some updates (such as the upcoming ones) require a server wipe to be implemented?

Right now I made few characters to max level and there's no point in playing this game further with lack of people and having everything achieved.

Oh really? And tell me, what is this "everything" you have achieved? A tent, a base and professions? This game has no real goal. You can keep fighting against other factions over towns, the power struggle will still be there. You can keep annoying people as a suicide bomber if you like that.  And if you like crafting and trading, there will always be people willing to buy stuff from you, just because you paid for your tier 3 profession doesn't mean you're reached some "end" and that there is nothing else to do...

you could just shut it down, prepare next wipe, and switch it on again for 2 months, waiting for people to get bored, you would save money you spent paying the server for whole year

I really hope devs do not do this, because there are some people who actually enjoy the game.
« Reply #76 on: January 02, 2012, 09:02:47 pm »

(skipping the whole product/client stuff)

Good news that the wipe is soon. This is not a complain agains't, but since a year and half, soon got a little confused meaning.

If i may, it would be cool if we know, when you ready, and that you give some time before the real wipe occurs (a few days, maybe a week). So we would enjoy more the pre-wipe period. (an ingame countdown would also be marvelous)
Give a date when you're ready, so we'll burn our bases ourselves, and make pre-wipe event, hunt, battles and celebrations, all the week.

Just don't wipe in the night without warning, please. ::)


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« Reply #77 on: January 02, 2012, 09:25:25 pm »

First of all, get it once and for all - this game is free. There are no clients, no purchases, no hiring and no contracts. If you're failing to realise that, then gtfo this board and better not show anywhere on internet, or anywhere else, for that matter, because all you're gonna do is cause permanent brain damage for normal people.
Too hard for "internet warriors" to understand. They think the devs live in their basements just their computer and their refrigerator there so they can develop the game 25/7.

If not, great. I couldn't give less fuck. You don't give anything to us, developers, because we develop the game for free.
Not entirely true - you as a developer want to get your product be the best. In this case you want the game to be bug-free, balanced and fun for everyone. The ones who donate help you keep up the server while in the same time, they help all others that don't donate. The ones who don't donate still test your product (most likely just like the ones that donate). They give feedback (giving you, the developer, the ability to make your product better). Well, unlucky for us, it doesn't however happen much here. People come, play the game, insult the developers, spam the forum full of crapload shit and ragequit.

Amen to the rest of your post.
I still can be reached over e-mail if you somehow need anything from me. Don't see a reason why you would, but if you do, e-mail remains the safest bet, as I do not visit this forum reliably anymore.
« Reply #78 on: January 02, 2012, 10:49:17 pm »

Not entirely true... Players LOVE this game, and enjoy it a lot. That's why they keep coming back to the forum and some even play again after quitting.


I don't think this game will ever lose its playerbase. As said above, people complain a lot, but even if they don't want to admit it, they love this game.


I really hope devs do not do this, because there are some people who actually enjoy the game.

Thats... well no offence, but complete bullshit.
Maybe, players who are... 'well known' on forum/tc, but its only people who are looong here. You know, there are always people who love something, but that doesnt mean, that whole community loves that.
first of all, look at server stats. Then, make simple calc, which 'players' are jus proxies. then you will know...

I like to talk with some new people in game. And most of them, stop playing after some time, when they realize, that this game has some limitations, which will NEVER EVER be reapired. Im talking about devs vision. Im not saying that this is bad... its just different than expectation of most players.
for example: this game is highly frustrating for casual players. If youre playing hard times, its fine, but if you want to play from time to time, game mechanics smash you. Thats why, people go away after first magic moments. when they have no fun from harvesting stuff, crafting, and shit like that, they simply stop do anything.

and i cant agree, with voices about feedback. There are zillions of great suggestions here. Just read them. People here always say, that there are  many crap suggestions, and because of that whole section sucks. but what u expecting? the more suggestions, the more GOOD ones. Its simple.

This game is far from beeing great, but has some good features, and because of that im playing still... but thats another story. Ill hope u will still runnng this server, after the wipe, but unfortunately it could be really difficult after implementing new content.
« Reply #79 on: January 03, 2012, 12:30:52 am »

this game has some limitations, which will NEVER EVER be reapired. Im talking about devs vision. Im not saying that this is bad... its just different than expectation of most players.
for example: this game is highly frustrating for casual players.

NSFW: the experience of the casual player


nevar change!
I wish there were bags, backpacks, etc. in Fonline.


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« Reply #80 on: January 03, 2012, 02:24:08 am »

Thats... well no offence, but complete bullshit.

It's... well no offence, but not.

Maybe, players who are... 'well known' on forum/tc, but its only people who are looong here. You know, there are always people who love something, but that doesnt mean, that whole community loves that.
first of all, look at server stats. Then, make simple calc, which 'players' are jus proxies. then you will know...

Yeah, many people have stopped playing. Some of those, are still posting here. Some, might not be posting, but reading. Some do not even read, only check to see if there's a date scheduled for the wipe already. But most will come back to the game after the wipe.

I like to talk with some new people in game. And most of them, stop playing after some time, when they realize, that this game has some limitations, which will NEVER EVER be reapired. Im talking about devs vision. Im not saying that this is bad... its just different than expectation of most players.

"oh noez limitations!" - what limitations? cooldowns? they've been reduced for some time. Most of the limitations imposed to the player by the game are annoying not because of the game itself, but because of the more experienced players who use alts and, which is much worse, because of the 5upr4l33t h4xxin pr0s who cheat with proxy... Newcomers usually tend to play the game more like the way devs expected us to play it. "Experience" in FOnline usually means learning all the metagaming stuff "good players" base their gaming on.

The expectation of players? Yeah, instant cum pleasure with no limitations ::)

for example: this game is highly frustrating for casual players. If youre playing hard times, its fine, but if you want to play from time to time, game mechanics smash you. Thats why, people go away after first magic moments. when they have no fun from harvesting stuff, crafting, and shit like that, they simply stop do anything.

What? Look I am logging into the game almost everyday, but that's not the case all year long. I can log into the game from time to time and have fun with no problem.

and i cant agree, with voices about feedback. There are zillions of great suggestions here. Just read them. People here always say, that there are  many crap suggestions, and because of that whole section sucks. but what u expecting? the more suggestions, the more GOOD ones. Its simple.

Yeah there are some really nice suggestions, I never said that the whole section sucks :)

Ill hope u will still runnng this server, after the wipe, but unfortunately it could be really difficult after implementing new content.

« Reply #81 on: January 03, 2012, 12:29:09 pm »

Sounds reasonable but..... fonline is not just indie project. Now I understand it as devs closed project which is displayed to public but is not for public. Just for devteam themselves. :-) They surely got every right to do that their way but should also expect drop of playerbase and general interrest in this project with that style of developement.

But what i am stil highly unsure about is whats devs vision for this project. Do they want to make something well known and respected of it or preserve spirit of fallout in this game or just throw some code in it after job?
Kill them all and let the god sort them out.
« Reply #82 on: January 03, 2012, 12:46:05 pm »

Chillout Eternauta:]

I can see its hard for u to read different point of view. If that make u happy, i can say that everyone loves fonline:) But psst... its not true;)

whole server activity runs, because of some very few players, which never stop playing. and yes, they love fonline. no matter what.
But would be just fair if you can admit, that player yelling and complaining, arent just noobish/childish trolling. there are some valid points, which are ignored by devs. Im not sure about coming back of players, after wipe, but... goodluck.
Its still the best fonline server, but worst 2238 as i remember.


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« Reply #83 on: January 03, 2012, 02:33:25 pm »

It's all right, I'm not raging or angry, but I admit I sometimes use too much sarcasm. And it's not that I cannot read different opinions, it's just that I simply know I am right* (joke of course) :P My sarcasm is the result of the important amount of trolling which is done in the forum, and I shouldn't have thrown it all against you like I did, because you seem to have posted with a good intention and not for trolling's sake. So, just wanted to make it clear that everything's all right with you after my previous posts.
« Reply #84 on: January 03, 2012, 11:31:45 pm »

Well, posts about current development status can be very short. Something like: We're going to introduce helmets after next wipe, (some other stuff thats going to be implemented).

Then after let's say 3 weeks/1 month - Helmets almost done. Or - we've just finished adding helmets to the game, they need to be tweaked a bit but they're already working.

That kind of stuff.

I bet many people will come after wipe to see how things changed after 1+ year of development, and then the true bitching will start if people will find almost nothing special done/added/changed or even more unbalanced gameplay/mechanics
« Reply #85 on: January 03, 2012, 11:51:12 pm »

To be honest I am sick of hearing this wipe is soon bull, for the past 6 months since I started, my experience has been dampened by all this wipe is soon nonsense.

If the date of wipe is unknown I would rather not know so that I can enjoy the game without thinking; what's the point - wipe is soon, not really any point of bothering/putting any effort in as server could be wiped next week.

Soon is not 6 months (if I told my dog 6 months ago that I would feed her soon would she still be here?), if I had known that server wasn't going to be wiped by now then my friends and myself would still be playing a lot more, as it is my friends have stopped playing and I'm now in the mindset of giving up until after wipe.
I should still be enjoying this game to it's full potential instead of giving up.

If you can say wipe is in 4 weeks for definite then fair enough but I'm sick of the word soon.

I like hearing about what's going on behind the scenes and how stuff is developing but I want to be able to enjoy the game without that dark cloud of wipe is soon hanging over my head all the time.

This is a great game, I just want to enjoy it. :)


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« Reply #86 on: January 04, 2012, 04:05:23 am »

No doubt just about every 2238 player feels the same.  Including myself.
« Last Edit: January 04, 2012, 10:26:57 am by Graf »
Whenever I say something, imagine \"In my opinion"/ being in the front of every sentence.
« Reply #87 on: January 04, 2012, 05:31:51 am »

Totally agree with ThePhoenix77. And someone said that after wipe no matter what will be players, agree too, but not  as much that it could be.

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« Reply #88 on: January 04, 2012, 08:26:56 am »


I just recently started playing and got real excited by the prospect of a Fallout MMO
(Which does raise the question. Now that the massive legal battle is over with Fallout and an actual Fallout MMO can be made now... what does that mean for FOnline 2238?)
but when I heard there was a wipe "soon" I said "... no point trying to become awesome now if everything's gonna vanish. Probably should just wait for the wipe to occur.."


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« Reply #89 on: January 04, 2012, 09:43:21 am »

Most wipe bull*** comes from players, it's not the fault of the staff that players spread rumors.
Maybe once or twice in 2 years a dev made a mistake and gave some vague date like "if everything goes
well it should be in a month, but maybe not". Can you blame them if people ask this shit every day?

Personally I think we make a mistake everytime we say "soon" (although I don't know if GMs still do this,
I believe now it's mainly players who keep repeating this, it really is a self-perpetuating machine from hell).
It may seem funny and normal people know it's just a trollish answer to annoying question, but some people
actually think it means "this week" and start spreading never-ending rumors about wipe and new players
believe them.

For me wipe date doesn't matter, but new (and not only new) players tend to farm and hoard ("just wait
until I get stronger, I will pay you back!!!", "HAHA I have a stack of 100 dynamites! Soon I will have 200
and THEN I will show them", "I don't feel safe without at least 100 BAs, how could I fight tomorrow? :S").
Maybe they should change their approach, but I doubt it's possible.

Maybe this word "soon" should be banned, it's not even funny anymore and it only makes people
upset over time. PLEASE, just answer: "don't know / there is no wipe date" or answer nothing and
don't use word "soon". I'm asking players, gms and devs.
« Last Edit: January 04, 2012, 10:05:34 am by JovankaB »
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