Every loner in postapo movies gets into trouble when find some group and otherhand people mostly want to join loner. Every loner is bad ass jack of all trades, who is on his epic lonely quest and want to stay safe and away from troubles.
pros not in party:
- outdoorsman +some nice value
- PE, AG, EN, LK +some nice value
- safer tent
- stronger back to carry more weight
- faster craft
- better barter
- PvE +%
traits general:
- cant join gang
- cant have more than 1 slave
- PvP -%
traits in party:
- removed all pros of loner trait
- only one loner in party, and people love him ( cha of all in party -2)
- loner gets into trouble ( -luck, -pe, -en, -ag)
- people gets into trouble - so loner have to rescue them
(some big % more chance of missing hit in fight, -% to critics for all in party)
- loner hates walking with peoples cause it is loud and not safe (- big value of outdoorsman for party)
This trait should be for people who want to play as loner not for alts etc.
Start looking about 2:50, from 5:10 jump to 7:05
check how McCoy is playing loner and interacting with people,