Other > Winter 2011/2012
--- Quote from: avv on December 18, 2011, 01:18:21 pm ---We haven't seen how those things work in actual gameplay. Honestly helmets, big guns not running, perk requirements and AC aren't something that will change the nature of the gameplay. Players will adapt around the features and who knows if we get even better gameplay through that.
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I think these are huge factors into the game play. And yes players well adapt or lose interests because of all these changes to things that they are used to but who know is to say it could go either way. I mean generally people are used to running up 1 hex with the m60 and LSW but now you can't run with them. I just see a big mess if anybody tries to attempt to use m60 or lsw in a pvp battle or town control. I mean you well have guys who can run then guy who has to walk across the map and can't shoot run around corner. And I generally do not see any point using m60 and LSW, its going to be all avengers.
Helmets aren't that bad and I guess its not a big deal. It just seems strange to me being I am used to playing the game with one set of armor for so long. I guess I haven't played the beta long enough yet, but what exactly is the point of helmets? to prevent criticals? I just not seen how helmets make any difference and I mainly just tried some PvP so far.
I mean when you get used to something for so long like having armors with no helmets to equip, and you can't run with certain weapons. Or used to setting up characters a certain way which meets perk requirements. It just seems odd with what they have done. Don't get me wrong the beta and the new changes are fun and bring about a new challenge.
For me I have a hard time adjusting to new things after things have been a certain way for so long, was point I was trying to make.
And haters going to hate no matter what I write or what my opinion is 8)
Helmets so far are more a placeholder-like thingy for the 3d models in future. At latest with 3d models, helmet would be includet in any case.
--- Quote from: gr1m055 on December 18, 2011, 02:18:56 pm ---Helmets aren't that bad and I guess its not a big deal. It just seems strange to me being I am used to playing the game with one set of armor for so long. I guess I haven't played the beta long enough yet, but what exactly is the point of helmets? to prevent criticals? I just not seen how helmets make any difference and I mainly just tried some PvP so far.
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Very simple. Body armor protect from body shot. Helmet protect from head/eye shot.
--- Quote from: Crazy on December 18, 2011, 05:02:28 pm ---Very simple. Body armor protect from body shot. Helmet protect from head/eye shot.
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Looks like we have to teach bicycle safety. Don't forget to wear a helmet!
--- Quote from: gr1m055 on December 18, 2011, 12:47:51 pm ---
You know I am a person who wants a wipe just as much as anybody else. But I think this version should be its own server or a new mod. I kind of like how 2238 already is and these new changes are really bizarre and it just doesn't have the same feel as to what I love about 2238.
Now I can respect that its in beta and things well probably be changed when its released. But I kind of like how 2238 is right now with the perks and S.P.E.C.I.A.L and I just think somethings need to be improved upon instead of recreating the perks and a new game entirely. This seems like its a more of a new game than wiping server and fixing some things that should be removed or improved upon.
Its not bad I could play this and probably well, it seems like it would be fun but it just doesn't feel like 2238 to me :-[
If you are going to do this for next session, please keep this session up as a classic server or something. It would just make me sad to see it go with all this new stuff added which is starting to get away from what makes 2238 2238.
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I agree on this, I kind a like old 2238 more, but I guess I would accped new changes, but it will not be the same feeling... :S
stuff like lsw and m60 not running are wierd... I agree those are weapons which in real life you need to prone to shot with them, but for explame you use minigun standing up... but there is no way you could run with them
perks are cool, but somehow getting out of orginal picture of fallout
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