Other > Winter 2011/2012
Well you know what is a forum without an opinion and a critique?
I can understand this is in beta and I can respect somebody taking the time putting forth an effort trying to create something new. It is not easy what the developers do and I respect that they have come this far.
But here is my opinion and here is what I honestly think. I think there is a lot of good ideas and bad ideas. For a person like me who has played fallout1/2 for over 10 years now, I honestly say that this is starting to get away from what makes fallout fallout. I think the majority of people who stick around playing2238 like it because it has a lot of the original perk requirements and is somewhat similar to playing fallout1/2. And the items and the math is pretty much the same as it would be playing fallout2.
But here is what I don't like so far. I think helmets are kind of out of place for a game where people are used to 1 piece armors. Don't get me wrong its not a bad idea but I just cannot see this being fallout or 2238 like, or what we are currently used to. So with a game with a lot of complex math and calculations so now there are helmets thrown into the equation. I think it should just be kept simple, just do 1 piece armors and just use things like bonehead and stonewall if you don't want to be knocked down or knocked out.
Armor class, I can see where they are trying to go with this, they want the effect of being able to dodge things while you run. But I think its just too confusing and makes things more complicated. I think people well generally be confused as to why they're AC is 0 and goes to 25 or whatever a character has when they run. I was confused about this and thought it was bug until somebody explained to me. I can see where they balance this by making it where you can't run with m60's and LSW so there isn't god like big gunners which leads to my next opinion.
I do not like not being able to run with the m60 and LSW, I can understand that its realism that these guns are not meant to be used standing. But I generally don't like things going overboard with realism, and many players are used to using this guns while running up and 1 hexing.
Now there are things I like don't get me wrong. I think the new merc system is an imporvement.
I like the idea of 24 levels. And the new perk ideas and traits are good ideas. But I think perks need to stick to their original S.P.E.C.I.A.L. requirements and just add in the new perks and make something reasonable requirement to get get them.
You know I am a person who wants a wipe just as much as anybody else. But I think this version should be its own server or a new mod. I kind of like how 2238 already is and these new changes are really bizarre and it just doesn't have the same feel as to what I love about 2238.
Now I can respect that its in beta and things well probably be changed when its released. But I kind of like how 2238 is right now with the perks and S.P.E.C.I.A.L and I just think somethings need to be improved upon instead of recreating the perks and a new game entirely. This seems like its a more of a new game than wiping server and fixing some things that should be removed or improved upon.
Its not bad I could play this and probably well, it seems like it would be fun but it just doesn't feel like 2238 to me :-[
If you are going to do this for next session, please keep this session up as a classic server or something. It would just make me sad to see it go with all this new stuff added which is starting to get away from what makes 2238 2238.
We haven't seen how those things work in actual gameplay. Honestly helmets, big guns not running, perk requirements and AC aren't something that will change the nature of the gameplay. Players will adapt around the features and who knows if we get even better gameplay through that.
--- Quote ---I honestly say that this is starting to get away from what makes fallout fallout
--- End quote ---
I always thought what makes fallout fallout is the setting, storyline, non-linearity and ability to make different, often ambiguous moral choices.
Good to know it's about 1 piece armors and mechanics of some secondary stats.
--- Quote from: JovankaB on December 18, 2011, 01:19:35 pm ---I always thought what makes fallout fallout is the post-apo setting, storyline, non-linearity and ability to make different, often ambiguous moral choices.
Good to know it's about 1 piece armors and flawed combat mechanics with useless AC.
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It was also about perks and picking SPECIAL stats to meet requirements for perks which customizes to your style of game play. Which a lot of perks and special requirements are pretty much the same as it would be in fallout1/2 in 2238, was point I was making.
Yes fallout is about that to, but I was mainly talking about the perks and mechanics 8) I mean you would have to take into consideration they turned a turn base game into real time which make such things seem as if they were flawed.
God forbid if I don't mention that fallout was about storyline and moral decisions ::)
The Lost Children:
--- Quote from: JovankaB on December 18, 2011, 01:19:35 pm ---I always thought what makes fallout fallout is the setting, storyline, non-linearity and ability to make different, often ambiguous moral choices.
Good to know it's about 1 piece armors and mechanics of some secondary stats.
--- End quote ---
This statement is full of so much fucking win.... I teared.
Bravo to you.... Bravo.
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