Other > Fan Art
Some Artworks
Wanna see it on loading screen of my Fonline :P
Great work Methelina ;)
P.S Methelina, can you try to draw a brotherhood soldier ?
Coz i like the style of your art...
Oh, hai Methelina, here is Nikopol. :p
The images are looking pretty cool. This one reminds me of some kind of wiki system, heh.
I agree. Great work. And it fits fallout style perfectly.
good material for loading screens...
unlike the pic with some guy wearing something that supposed to be metal armor and he's running away from an enclave soldier next to a vertibird. know what I mean? probably not ;)
Thx to all for a good words=) I dont draw humans=)
--- Quote from: Lexx on February 17, 2010, 01:12:46 pm ---Oh, hai Methelina, here is Nikopol. :p
The images are looking pretty cool. This one reminds me of some kind of wiki system, heh.
--- End quote ---
Hello Niko, so cool to see ya again after years of unexistance=)
Special for u:
"Tout cela ne vaut pas le poison qui découle de tes yeux,
de tes yeux verts,
lacs où mon âme tremble et se voit à l'envers.
Mes songes viennent en foule pour se désaltérer à ces gouffres amers"
"Tout cela ne vaut pas le terrible prodige De ta salive qui mord,
Qui plonge dans l'oubli mon âme sans remords,
Et charriant le vertige,
La roule défaillante aux rives de la mort!"
Oh no, Charles Baudelaire. :)
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