Other > Fan Art

Some Artworks

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FEV digestion problems i presume

Holly shit! girl you have big talent if I could have riquest please draw some more:D

Gotta say I like your drawings, especially for all the small details they have.
*Thumbs up*

--- Quote from: Pryszczu666 on February 17, 2010, 01:11:05 pm ---P.S Methelina, can you try to draw a brotherhood soldier ?

--- End quote ---

I'd like to see that one too

Heeey what happened to this thread? I am yet another FOnline player who would love to see these works as loading screens.

And also another one who wants to congratule you!

This is great. This would fit like a glove in character sheet drawings.

Make a guy in CA. CA's looks so cool ;d


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