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Author Topic: Post Wipe Faction  (Read 14582 times)


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Post Wipe Faction
« on: December 15, 2011, 03:29:53 am »

Hello and greetings wastelanders. As we all know the wipe well be soon, and there has been a hint that the wipe well be sooner than soon.

The name of this faction is unknown at this time, and well probably use the name of the town control base. My plans post wipe is to buy a empty base which not be used as a supply base, and use the name for town control. This faction well be strictly for PvP and well be an alliance base.

Here is how this faction well operate, as we all know many of us are part of factions and many different factions have leaders. The leaders and trusted members of these factions well be given the ability to add their members freely.

Here are the rules of this faction.
-No shooting allies in the back
-No looting allies gear

Main Goal of this faction:
-To have sufficient numbers to take on other post-wipe big PvP factions
-To fight other factions and to guard held towns

Whether the faction well be anti-pk or pk when it holds a town well be decided and discussed by members. This faction well be a democracy and not a dictatorship. Anybody can command in a TC battle if you feel you are good at it.

Since many players play together and have trusted friends and its hard to trust people in this game, this well be a bring your own gear to battle faction. Whether you have a group of friends that help each other or if you are self sufficient anybody is welcomed as long as they obey the 2 rules. Current session faction disputes well be and should be set aside as this is a fresh start. If anybody wants to create a supply base for this faction they can, but I well say do it at your own risk, its best if everybody is self sufficient or have their own tents/bases with friends they trust.

This faction well not be a noob helper faction and its goal is not to supply others with gear. This is a PvP faction for a base name which makes it easier to take and hold towns.

If this faction does not work out, and everybody goes a different direction post wipe, Me and McDoctor aka McLooter well be recruiting if anybody is interested in PvP and town control post wipe.
« Last Edit: December 15, 2011, 11:48:41 pm by gr1m055 »
Re: Post Wipe Faction
« Reply #1 on: December 15, 2011, 04:01:18 am »

would be interesting to see how this sort of faction works out. I think it's still too earlier to discuss postwipe politics though.

anyway, I wish you the best of luck.


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Re: Post Wipe Faction
« Reply #2 on: December 15, 2011, 04:28:42 am »

Well I took the post wipe FCP as a sign of the wipe being very very soon. But you are right its a bit early to dicuss politics but its my idea to get a post wipe faction going. Depending how the politics go and if everybody I want joins this faction this is what I would like. If it doesn't work this way I am still going to attempt to create a PvP faction, if the faction is too small and doesn't work out I well probably just join another faction or do freelance work as a mercenary. This is just hypothetical. And hopefully I can get all these guys to join it would be fun.


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Re: Post Wipe Faction
« Reply #3 on: December 15, 2011, 04:48:24 am »

Sounds like an interesting faction... well planned and well thought out! The way I like it...  :P

May God have mercy on my enemies, because I won't.


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Re: Post Wipe Faction
« Reply #4 on: December 15, 2011, 05:02:29 am »

I agree with Those Who Think It's early to speak of it. :)
« Last Edit: December 15, 2011, 06:20:24 am by CardeV »


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Re: Post Wipe Faction
« Reply #5 on: December 15, 2011, 05:18:19 am »

Well that's why I would give leaders and high ranking members of these factions the ability to add their members to the base. It is just an idea anyways.

Like I said, if nobody wants to do it this way they don't have to I am going to attempt to create this faction whether everybody I have invited agrees to it or not.

I just want to make it easier to create a big faction than what we have currently, everybody is added to too many different base names. This is just a thought, well it happen who knows?

Its easier to get a TC faction and hold towns when everybody isn't added to over 9,000 different bases.

But we well see how it goes, once I get this base I well advertise for PvP players to join and see if the leaders of these factions well join, if they don't then I just make my own faction and attempt to recruit. If it fails I join another faction that is successful. I cannot play this game if there is no action, and no town control I enjoy pvp and town control battles the most and I well try to keep the action going next wipe with a base.
« Last Edit: December 15, 2011, 05:45:08 am by gr1m055 »


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Re: Post Wipe Faction
« Reply #6 on: December 15, 2011, 08:41:50 am »

I'm sure you'll be fine. There's only 4 baserapers in that list.
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Re: Post Wipe Faction
« Reply #7 on: December 15, 2011, 08:54:24 am »

Military organization for combat purposes  , good.

More organized teams than usual are always welcomed.


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Re: Post Wipe Faction
« Reply #8 on: December 15, 2011, 10:06:55 am »

I'm sure you'll be fine. There's only 4 baserapers in that list.
That is why the base well be empty and well be a bring your own gear to battle. The whole purpose of having an empty base for a TC name and no supply bases is so it doesn't get base raped. I mean really its whoever fault for letting these so called 4 base rapers into whichever faction they base raped into their supply base. I mean come on, if you're going to start a big PvP faction you don't have the TC name base as a supply base also. This also filters out base rapers because they well lose interests and not talk to you once they find out that the main base is empty and people bring their own gear into battle. I generally think its owner of the base fault when it gets based raped for bringing in random people, not being smart about it and not associating the risks.

And I have yet to be based raped by these so called 4 base rapers, I do not care if anybody is a base raper or likes to give away free stuff to people this well be a PvP faction with the intention of controlling towns and fighting other factions. This faction is about PvP nothing more nothing less.

Like I said if anybody wants to be in this faction and want to help each other with gear with people you trust go for it, but that is not the purpose of this faction is to have a massive amount of gear to share with everyone. That is how I have done PvP my entire PvP career I've brought my own gear and share a supply cave with people I trust. And when I have won a battle I try to loot what I can and bring it to a tent/car loot is hardly shared the way I have done PvP. This is what I am used to and this is how it well be done.

I generally do not like being the guy who has to craft and supply everything and nobody helps or contributes that is not how I like to do things so its best if people are self sufficient or just share stuff with people they trust. I mean I generally think people who do not have their own stuff to bring to a fight are noobs and mooches. I generally think people should not be PvPing if they cannot supply themselves.
Re: Post Wipe Faction
« Reply #9 on: December 15, 2011, 11:36:33 am »

Why would anybody want to be in a faction full of base rapers and noobs?


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Re: Post Wipe Faction
« Reply #10 on: December 15, 2011, 12:18:11 pm »

You mad that your stupid plan to shoot us all in our backs failed? And now you're going to troll my thread in revenge?

I would take base rapers and noobs over immature kids who try to sabotage pvp by shooting their allies in the back and making up a bunch of stories, yes we know it was you tallset now go away. At least these guys have skills and are good fighters and I have done a lot of action with them. I have respect for them even if they are base rapers and PKers.

I would generally accept anybody from any faction from this session if they are serious about joining and serious about PvP.  Tallset you are the only person that I would not accept joining this faction. I can't stand people who shoot allies in the back and loot allies gear and that is exactly what you had planned. It was an epic fail you are too obvious. At least these supposed 4 base rapers are smoother than you are LOL. If its anybody who is noob its you.

Oh and tallset also reminded me, I would prefer mature players and serious PvP players for those who are interested in being in a PvP faction next wipe.
« Last Edit: December 15, 2011, 12:26:08 pm by gr1m055 »
Re: Post Wipe Faction
« Reply #11 on: December 15, 2011, 01:17:11 pm »

Excuse me, if I didnt read attentively, but this idea is works already some time, for example TTTLA + C88 like CoA. If i know, they havent problem swarmed another smaller factions. Next ones can be The eaceKeepers, The Panzers, GN13...

You guys, will have propably under one faction almost each smaller gangs, which havent a change to get some TC or PVP, its good for me and rightly for others and I support it.


What will you do, if got for example twice more people, then enemies, which start take your city. Does it means, that you first time check number of enemies and then half of people which come to TS, Mumble, whatever to enjoy some fight, will not go to action? I think it wil be not work, its hard them say: "no, we got enough people go back to craft, just half of people here can go to TC".

I think that by the time, you will have the most people on the server and only you like one faction will do TC, so its a same case like TTTLA alliance.
« Last Edit: December 15, 2011, 01:21:04 pm by justtroll »
Re: Post Wipe Faction
« Reply #12 on: December 15, 2011, 01:25:56 pm »

why you want to create swarm aliance? can we make group o5-6 of 10-15 players gang which are fighting everyone with everyone? i am sick of fighting with tttla zerling swarm 3:1 because we can kill them all but it is annoying and it kills tc. if you dont have to many players buy mercs and i know everyone did that but no one will say that in open use proxy with mercs. so there can be balance between gangs, not just like it was few months ago CS vs rest swarm. 13 vs 28+
Re: Post Wipe Faction
« Reply #13 on: December 15, 2011, 01:34:46 pm »

Better idea is, that will be exist just 2 PVP base, or 3, 4 PVP base for much more interesting fights containing all people from FOnline server and regular checking numerous bettween both (more) these big groups, something like Desert Europe project, Blue vs Red, but if you want to have only one PVP base it will be just another big swarm.
« Last Edit: December 15, 2011, 01:42:53 pm by justtroll »
Re: Post Wipe Faction
« Reply #14 on: December 15, 2011, 01:49:36 pm »

base planning will be changed. you can now buy few bases under one name. i want few medium gangs because more gangs - more tc fight more can fight like tttla on 3rd-4th but it isnt point of tc. jump in kill whatever is still alive and take the loot and run away on wm...i prefer die come back with full gear fight kill/die and shoot shoot shoot...;]
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