Pretty self explanatory...To be used outside of combat and affecting all items (any number and types) in the hex you're standing, up to your carry weight...A crtl + G or shift + G for example...
No.You wanna be a jackass sneaking ninja looter fine. But don't be a lazy prick and ask for a feature to help you with it .
Because everyone wanting more convenience is a "jackass sneaking ninja looter", hm?
Besides that there is already a "take all" function in normal loot window,
other games using the "place all" function, people using this are "jackass ninja looters"? A... *looks at Username* - nevermind.
Practical impact of this hot key into PvP: During PvP, players loot stuff from dead players. If you can loot everything, i am afraid that sneak, bluesuit or proxy looters, who lost battle or who are not even from gangs participating in that fight, could parasite on other players effort. They could now too, but this change will simplify their looting effort.