Other > Winter 2011/2012

bg balance

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There is no point, jacky, we knew 6 months ago that snipers will suck after wipe, it's been said way to many times. Bg's always been overpowered except this wipe when things were how should they be, meaning snipers prevail in open space against bg's. Now bg era will be back so we will just have to accept it.

Its epic when t888 assume you wrong, and blame you for that - all in few lines.

i know they are overpowered but this time avanger is killing mashine. i tested it in hinkley and it can simply deal 100-130 in range against ba +toughness. and i know there will be a lot of rage "fucking avanger", fucking shity sg/ew/bazooka. but really, who will take now bazoka if smg can deal more damage ;] good luck with killing  290hp guy in ca mk2 using ex rockets. 25-50 per shoot. that is riddicilous compare to avanger power. mercs are fine now, no air strike from map and their number is decreased, but if u are going to give them bazooka well they are just walking meat. even 500hp muties are weak with rocket launchers, granades will be more powerful than rocket ;/

my idea is :
decrease -% crit hit from armors,
increase perk rbte >to decrease all %crit hit from helmet<
improve some perk only for sg/ew snipers to get more hp >like for example "sniper soul" +10-20hp and +20sg/ew%. req: crit chance 25% and pe 8-9.
that would make good balance between sniper-bg

and also making m60/lsw only tb weapon isnt good idea. it nagates idea of bg sneaker.


--- Quote ---i tested it in hinkley and it can simply deal 100-130 in range against ba +toughness.
--- End quote ---
Yeah it's really awesome against NPCs. Sadly players are kind of a bigger deal, as they often get up to 3 toughness. With 3 toughness the damage is lower than right now...

--- Quote ---who will take now bazoka if smg can deal more damage ;] good luck with killing  290hp guy in ca mk2 using ex rockets. 25-50 per shoot.
--- End quote ---
Hint: use AP rocket on armored target, understand the rocket is more useful for it's splash and KD than for it's DPS.
Nah, the only problem I see right now are the livegiver that you have to take three times to have interest, and the BRoF not available for energy.

i tested it against players:
-ba with jet
-ba +toughnes
-ba ++toughness
-ba ++toughness psyho
i shooted them in max range and from 1hex. i tested +++bg/ ++bg for crits/ bg crits with lsw/m60/mini/av/bazooka
as i told u i know ap rockets are better but not as is use to be but it doesnt change fact that ex rockets are pice of shit now.


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