Yeah but the requirement difference between minigun and lsw is a bit more steep than sg and bg.
LSW vs minigun tradeoff is 1str and 2-3 perks. Used to be also 5 points of luck, which is really something. I think the current nonwiped version is more balanced between mg and lsw than it is in cbt.
If minigun will be walk only and lsw will be able to run , then i think it's a huge difference.
BG vs SG tradeoff is 1-3 STR and 1ap per shot. That's not really good tradeoff for the smaller damage, you can maybe squeeze one extra perk because not needing weapon handling and easier 2x burst but it simply isn't good enough.
You can squeeze in another perk + the -1 ap to shoot allows you to make 2x instant burst without the need of bonus rate of fire perk , so that is already 2 perks man + compared to it it's light + extra special points , easily obtainable , you will be able to run with it. Seems like very decent tradeoffs compared for the lowered damage , since you won't be able to go 1 hex with a minigun anymore.
Well easily obtainable and light weight are not the main indicators why the weapon is good , but still it does mean those weapons have some kind of advantage. For example you go in a team fight with two FN_FAL's , since their fucking easy to find and get , just switch weapon slots when you need to reload

players do that with rocket launchers since their cheap and effective , but no one will bring two miniguns or m60/lsw in inventory , since their heavy (not all builds allow that)and much more expensive to loose.
While lsw can for example become crit or tank build with the perks slots it takes to make minigunner, sg just underperforms.
Try the new FCP , SG can as easily become a crit or a tank build. Under performs only in raw damage.
p90 is the minigunner of sg and pancor is the lsw due to not needing brd. But avenger gets massive bonus from brd compared to p90, doesn't really help that p90 shoots faster. Lsw can onehex, has longer range and shoots better ammo than pancor. However since lsw can't run now, it might be balanced vs pancor. It's just minigun that could be breaking the balance.
Well you know that p90 could be the ultimate weapon for sneakers , hard to say will it see the light at last. I was the first to make a p90/silent death build and tested the features to it's maximum potential. Pancor is just shit.
I just think rifles could compete and should with BG weapons next season , since SG gets beefed up in general again.
lsw and m60 won't stay walk only , i am sure it will be changed as it is in known issues thread reported as something to be fixed

so maybe we should make some suggestion in cbt forum section , to increase the range of SG rifles. Wouldn't you want those weapons to be viable in combat ? I am afraid that they will still be crap weapons because of rocket launcher superior range , i don't think minigun will be the problem