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Author Topic: Earn SP after max level  (Read 1784 times)

Earn SP after max level
« on: December 08, 2011, 08:57:18 pm »

Simple idea.  Earn 1 skill point for every 100k after hitting level 21.  Or maybe 50k.  Just a small little thing for people who like to continue playing their favorite character.  It's not that abusable since even if you manage to get 2m extra xp we're only talking about 20 SP.


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Re: Earn SP after max level
« Reply #1 on: December 08, 2011, 10:40:22 pm »

It would be better just to raise secondary profession skills by earning experience (for example getting science for experience gained), but I heard they are going to have some use.
As for alting because of crafting it's been here in numerous topics. In my opinion it's more related to interaction options than profession requirements anyway.
Like in WoW you don't see people leveling chars just to get more professions, and it's not just thing of time requirement, but they can just obtain things by trading them (which is also partially automatic there).
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Re: Earn SP after max level
« Reply #2 on: December 11, 2011, 11:56:30 am »

Simple idea.  Earn 1 skill point for every 100k after hitting level 21.  Or maybe 50k.  Just a small little thing for people who like to continue playing their favorite character.  It's not that abusable since even if you manage to get 2m extra xp we're only talking about 20 SP.
I agree wholeheartedly.


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Re: Earn SP after max level
« Reply #3 on: December 11, 2011, 12:19:53 pm »

Simple idea.  Earn 1 skill point for every 100k after hitting level 21.  Or maybe 50k.  Just a small little thing for people who like to continue playing their favorite character.  It's not that abusable since even if you manage to get 2m extra xp we're only talking about 20 SP.

Say hello to bots again.


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Re: Earn SP after max level
« Reply #4 on: December 11, 2011, 12:46:38 pm »

Simple idea.  Earn 1 skill point for every 100k after hitting level 21.  Or maybe 50k.  Just a small little thing for people who like to continue playing their favorite character.  It's not that abusable since even if you manage to get 2m extra xp we're only talking about 20 SP.
Hmm.. No.
It's fine as it is now. No need to change everything. Just take enough IN to get more SPs and you will be fine.
And after wipe max lvl is 24, so it means more SPs :)


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Re: Earn SP after max level
« Reply #5 on: December 11, 2011, 01:20:21 pm »

C'mon! 1 SP per 100k XP isn't worth a bot...

It'd still encourage players to play less amount of alts and focus one instead of more slightly more

(for example when my armorer hit 21 lvl i made another one cuz i lost motivation to make armors with maxed one)

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Re: Earn SP after max level
« Reply #6 on: December 11, 2011, 01:26:44 pm »

C'mon! 1 SP per 100k XP isn't worth a bot...

It'd still encourage players to play less amount of alts and focus one instead of more slightly more

(for example when my armorer hit 21 lvl i made another one cuz i lost motivation to make armors with maxed one)

Whenever it is possible to abuse something to get better, players will go that path, even if it takes a long time (hence the botting).
Re: Earn SP after max level
« Reply #7 on: December 12, 2011, 02:01:31 am »

Whenever it is possible to abuse something to get better, players will go that path, even if it takes a long time (hence the botting).
So you'd rather have more alts?  Even with 3m extra experience we're talking 30 sp.  Will this realy imbalance the game?


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Re: Earn SP after max level
« Reply #8 on: December 12, 2011, 02:30:55 am »

Even with potential bots going on?

(i was using bots 2 years ago and still i cant imagine one doing any significant amount of experience to be worth even making/using a bot for that purpose)

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Re: Earn SP after max level
« Reply #9 on: December 12, 2011, 01:26:20 pm »

Create a bot which attacks one of your characters for a certain amount of damage every few seconds, other character uses botted first aid while you go to sleep so "they" grind over night with no player investment at all. Yay, isn't that a cool concept? And it's not that we didn't already have that.

Encouraging even more grinding than we already have isn't only boring and uncreative, it doesn't add more fun and only creates bots. Not even mentioning that grinding, PvE (Molerat killing) is mostly a single player experience, grinding your character all day for that precious skillpoint out in the desert only detaches from the game which is supposedly a multiplayergame.

I agree there should be something done against alts and maybe even allowing to further develop the character after level 21 (or 24 soon) - but not with such unimaginative methods.


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Re: Earn SP after max level
« Reply #10 on: December 12, 2011, 01:56:02 pm »

Used simmilar FA bot too... but still their effect on XP points (especially after 21lvl) seem pretty mediocre...

I really dont see why adding such feature would increase number of botters... who wants uses them already and who does not probly won't be using them anyway

(maybe some poll would clear some things here?)

craft, Craft, CRAFT! (armors)
sometimes repair dismantle stuff
...and most of all; DEATH TO NERFING!!!
Re: Earn SP after max level
« Reply #11 on: December 12, 2011, 05:00:23 pm »

I will be for increasing time to get to max level (char which have max SP, max perks, and max everything) only in time when exping becomes fun and will there be ways to exp much creatively than to shoot centaurs for five evenings.
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