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Epic Real-things

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While at work I recalled one funny youtube vid (totally retarded one) and couldn't resist smiling a bit. Some girl saw me smiling and smiled back. Dumb bitch didn't know I wasn't smiling at her.


--- Quote from: avv on December 02, 2011, 05:50:34 pm ---Some girl saw me smiling and smiled back. Dumb bitch didn't know I wasn't smiling at her.

--- End quote ---
You are totally not interested in getting laid, are you? :>

One of my workmates had an interesting case once. Owner of small printing works facility called him for fixing a machine, that was necessary to print important edition. He was in a serious rush, it was a matter of hours, real "to be or not to be" for that facility. My mate did it quite fast and good, then he asked for money for his work. Owner checked if machine is really working, then he put out his wallet, grabbed all cash from it and handed my mate, without counting. "Here, thanks a lot for saving my ass, sir."
My mate earned over 600 EUR in like two hours.

So I was at home, watching some TV between 4-5 o'clock....

I fell asleep during that time, and when I woke up I looked at the time for a while...

As soon as it was 10 minutes passed by, the room went totally blank... no color, no light...

I was wondering to myself, "Holy *#%@! Where am I!?"   :o

I apparently tripped in that moment, then I nodded my head and widened my eyes...

I woke up and the TV was just off the whole time... it was like a "WTF moment" time...  :P


--- Quote from: Alexandrite on December 03, 2011, 12:30:10 am ---So I was at home, watching some TV between 4-5 o'clock....

I fell asleep during that time, and when I woke up I looked at the time for a while...

As soon as it was 10 minutes passed by, the room went totally blank... no color, no light...

I was wondering to myself, "Holy *#%@! Where am I!?"   :o

I apparently tripped in that moment, then I nodded my head and widened my eyes...

I woke up and the TV was just off the whole time... it was like a "WTF moment" time...  :P

--- End quote ---

U was taken by:



--- Quote from: Wichura on December 02, 2011, 06:31:46 pm ---One of my workmates had an interesting case once. Owner of small printing works facility called him for fixing a machine, that was necessary to print important edition. He was in a serious rush, it was a matter of hours, real "to be or not to be" for that facility. My mate did it quite fast and good, then he asked for money for his work. Owner checked if machine is really working, then he put out his wallet, grabbed all cash from it and handed my mate, without counting. "Here, thanks a lot for saving my ass, sir."
My mate earned over 600 EUR in like two hours.

--- End quote ---

It's nice when people acknowledge (not sure if it's the right word, sorry) a job well done and actually pay for it, instead of throwing a few coins at you.

The story is very different, but it made me remember the time when my girlfriend and I were sitting in some public place of my city, and a hippiesque guy with a guitar, a harmonica and a heavy smell of weed on him came to us and asked if we wanted to listen to a song.

We let him play the song (which I hadn't heard before, so it was probably his) and we liked how he sang and played both instruments so much that we decided to give him almost everything we had in our pockets. I think we gave him 15 pesos more or less, which is not much really, but people usually give these street artists only a few cents and usually never more than 2 pesos, if anything. Guy was very happy and thanked us two or three times, I hope he keeps playing and singing, I'd like to meet him again.


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