FOnline Development > 3D Development

tracker question

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I have question how accurate is this tracker and how often do you update it.
I'm interested in developing all the missing models but don't want to make something that is already made
Looking forward helping with 3d developing...

Personally I do not know but mr Graf is responsible for updating tracker.
You are right - we need to updated progress.

Hello and welcome to the 2238 forum, Taziz. Have a nice stay.

I have to say, that there wasn't much progress with these models lately, so there's nothing to add to this tracker. If you want to help out with making the missing items, then this would be greatly appreciated. Be sure, that everything, that is marked as "missing" is actually missing, so you're free to make these items without of worrying that it was finished already. Once you finish up some item, please upload it to some file hosting and post a message with a link here. Good luck with it.

I personally would be glad to finish up the missing models by myself, but lately I've got too little free time, which is obviously not enough to have fun in 3D modeling software.


--- Quote from: Graf on November 29, 2011, 05:12:28 pm ---I personally would be glad to finish up the missing models by myself, but lately I've got too little free time, which is obviously not enough to have fun in 3D modeling software.

--- End quote ---
We are pretty similar aren't we? Would be happy to get some time to finish the male robe resizing etc.

while I was searching 3d developing forum I found this two words "Van Buren" mentioned a lot
It something to do with animations, no ?
Can someone explain to me, what is this ? what do you use it for ?
Is it some sort of sheet for rigging or something  ? I guess it has something to do with fallout 3


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