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"Wasteland is harsh"
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Author Topic: 8 minute replication  (Read 3016 times)

8 minute replication
« on: November 21, 2011, 11:24:13 pm »

This happened to me in Shady Sands today.  I was playing Riddles.  The character that planted the dynamite was YourMom2. 

I used first aid on someone, then I got to wait 8 minutes to play again.  I figured since I could not play for a while I would come to the forums.  I would like to point out that I feel very little anger.  My goal here is not to call for disciplinary action, but merely to expose this mechanic to all players and to remind the devs that this needs to be addressed.  I am sure they are aware, so let my voice add to the chorus.

BTW, I had to put some text in there because there was a figure-ground conflict and some of the text was illegible.

I would like to point out that I play this game quite a bit because I enjoy it.  I understand this is an open beta, and things will not be perfect, so I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the devs, gm's, and anyone else that has contributed to this project. 

I would also point out that "stealing" a stick of dynamite on to someone is hilarious.  Having them wait to play for 8 minutes because it happened is bullshit.

- SC


  • just some canadian guy
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Re: 8 minute replication
« Reply #1 on: November 22, 2011, 03:10:17 am »

..... no need to post somethings every time you die man. everyone knows this happens and i really hope the devs are not wasteing there time "fixing" this. when its really just your fault for not paying attention and then dieing because of that. learn from your mistakes as we all do and it will happen less often.
Roaming the waste again.
Re: 8 minute replication
« Reply #2 on: November 22, 2011, 04:12:26 am »

Thanks for your input falloutdude, this is what I think of what you posted.

"..... no need to post somethings every time you die man."

Do I do this?  Do I post something every time I die?  I suppose I will concede you have a point if you can present evidence that this is so.  As to my recollection I have posted twice after I have died.  Both times there were perceived exploits.  I figure as an open beta tester and as a member of the online community it would be irresponsible to not make myself heard about what I see as faulty mechanics.  Please do not belittle that without supporting evidence.

"i really hope the devs are not wasteing there time "fixing" this. when its really just your fault"

Really?  You think the devs intended for folks to make others not play for an extended amount of time with an attack that is nearly impossible to defend against?  The action looks like first aid, repair, normal stealing, doctor, and many other things.  If we run from them every time because we thought they would make us not play for 8 minutes then the community degenerates quickly.  Folks will never feel safe just talking or trading.  This has been observed many times.  I can't believe this has to be stated.  I'm all about the wasteland being harsh, but I doubt the intention of this mechanic is to not make people play the game after being victimized.  I believe this is very much worth fixing. 

In addition, I thought many of us would enjoy reading the text log.  Folks that act in an antisocial way should draw a social reaction.  Now we all know to be alert when we see YourMom2. 

- SC



  • just some canadian guy
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Re: 8 minute replication
« Reply #3 on: November 22, 2011, 04:41:27 am »

.... you take shit to personaly. really dude we all know this sucks when you die from this and most of us are not new at this game and know this is gonna happening. i was just saying we all went threw it and maybe others should go threw it so they learn. this game is not WOW  where everything is happy and you cant get pwned at any time. we like it this way thats why we are here and not playing WOW. in this game learning from your mistakes and dieing many times is part of it if you dont wanna die go play hello kitty online. also i was just saying if you post something on forum everytime you get trolled your gonna fill the forum up quick and piss of many people. also please dont send me pm of your anger, settle it here we are not friends and we are not currently tradeing DONT SEND ME PM'S.
Roaming the waste again.
Re: 8 minute replication
« Reply #4 on: November 22, 2011, 04:42:22 am »

And with the speed that some people can do said actions, like placing bombs in others inventory or stealing several items.  But really the 8 min replication is stupid when it's caused by other people.  That is an exploit that can be used against regular players.  So I really do hope the devs take a moment to address it.  With so much in game that has been turned to abuse others it would be nice to not have even more, especially if it's unintentional.
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  • just some canadian guy
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Re: 8 minute replication
« Reply #5 on: November 22, 2011, 04:49:23 am »

the real problem is finding a fix.  if you give normal rep time of 1 min when bomb is planted and blows up it will be highly expolited. bombers will just get a friend to plant the bomb on him and start running and he will be back in 2 min to do it again. there is no real way to make it so it gives the right people the right rep time. its good the way it is right now if you pay attention it wont happen as much as simple as that.
Roaming the waste again.
Re: 8 minute replication
« Reply #6 on: November 22, 2011, 04:59:19 am »

.... you take shit to personaly. really dude we all know this sucks when you die from this and most of us are not new at this game and know this is gonna happening. i was just saying we all went threw it and maybe others should go threw it so they learn. this game is not WOW  where everything is happy and you cant get pwned at any time. we like it this way thats why we are here and not playing WOW. in this game learning from your mistakes and dieing many times is part of it if you dont wanna die go play hello kitty online. also i was just saying if you post something on forum everytime you get trolled your gonna fill the forum up quick and piss of many people. also please dont send me pm of your anger, settle it here we are not friends and we are not currently tradeing DONT SEND ME PM'S.

Read C A R E F U L L Y. It's the 8<-- minute replication that is the issue.  When another player can force you into that situation unless you are staring at the screen every nano second when in town trying to do 5 things, and even at that point you have to be kinda lucky to avoid it.  Secondly have you actually played WoW?  Because in WoW you can get 'pwned' at almost any time, and depending on the server, players can make it so you can't even quest, or craft.

 Before this devolves into the standard harsh not harsh debate, games are supposed to be fun, and the more fun more people can have, the more people will play.  So hopefully in this beta some of the issues will be addressed especially this one since it's an unintended exploit, and we will get our ever lovin WIPE!   :P
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Re: 8 minute replication
« Reply #7 on: November 22, 2011, 05:03:27 am »

"the real problem is finding a fix."

Oh, I see.  Because a problem has no obvious solution we should not talk about it.  Well stated.  You put me in my place.

I've said my piece.  I'm happy.

- SC

P.S. I sent falloutdude a PM about how I use PM's.  That one is just for you friend.  Enjoy.


  • just some canadian guy
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Re: 8 minute replication
« Reply #8 on: November 22, 2011, 06:18:10 am »

"the real problem is finding a fix."

Oh, I see.  Because a problem has no obvious solution we should not talk about it.  Well stated.  You put me in my place.

I've said my piece.  I'm happy.

- SC

P.S. I sent falloutdude a PM about how I use PM's.  That one is just for you friend.  Enjoy.

never said we should not talk about it just saying its been talked about many many many many times. why do it again?
really stop being so hostile is this how you act in real life when people dont beleieve the same as you?
also telling others you pmed me when i asked you not to is really inmature. ::)
Roaming the waste again.
Re: 8 minute replication
« Reply #9 on: November 22, 2011, 06:29:51 am »

It's always nice to have something brought back to the forefront especially when it is a serious issue. 
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Re: 8 minute replication
« Reply #10 on: November 22, 2011, 06:59:54 am »

It's always nice to have something brought back to the forefront especially when it is a serious issue.
agreed. It's bad enough that we havea heavy population of trolls/morons, but do we have to punish those who get trolled even more?
Re: 8 minute replication
« Reply #11 on: November 22, 2011, 08:41:31 am »

This thread is music for trolls.

Except that planter says he doesn't go to the forums.

Just ditch the replication. It doesn't apply if you manually detonate the bomb in your inventory, so it has no effect on suicide bombers anyway.

I've suicide bombed over a thousand times (with many failures because people run- how dare they!) and only had a few 8 minute waits.

I wish there were bags, backpacks, etc. in Fonline.
Re: 8 minute replication
« Reply #12 on: November 22, 2011, 08:51:04 am »

It was already said that all bombers avoiding 8 min CD so it affects only victims, but even if not:
and he will be back in 2 min to do it again what? If he wants it, let him, what difference, he's exploding once in 9-10 minutes or 2-3 minutes. Doesn't matter, he'll explode someone anyway.


  • just some canadian guy
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Re: 8 minute replication
« Reply #13 on: November 22, 2011, 03:53:10 pm »

what difference, he's exploding once in 9-10 minutes or 2-3 minutes. Doesn't matter, he'll explode someone anyway.
ravenous thats my whole point.  does not matter the rep time he will be back best thing for people to do is deal with it or run away. the system is fine the way it is atm. as long as you pay attention you wont die from this as often. also avoid big crowds.
 .... why am i telling you this? you know this your the one doing this to people. :P
i new animation for steal would be good thou yes i would say.
Roaming the waste again.
Re: 8 minute replication
« Reply #14 on: November 22, 2011, 07:16:32 pm »

OP will be happy to know that from time to time I plant bombs on players who I fail to kill, but are unconscious. Of course this doesn't always work well for me, as I have a low traps skill.

In summation, shit happens.

As far as exploits, you can't stop them from happening. There will always be something you can exploit, and intended game mechanics that people don't like are often labeled exploits as well.
Iguana Pete's sister

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