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whether to enter all of this?

if you change everything - it would be better
- 4 (22.2%)
if you change half - it would be better
- 6 (33.3%)
something should be changed (please specify)
- 1 (5.6%)
and all so well
- 7 (38.9%)

Total Members Voted: 17

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Author Topic: TРOUGHTFUL suggestions of Russian-speaking community  (Read 2299 times)

TРOUGHTFUL suggestions of Russian-speaking community
« on: November 14, 2011, 07:30:21 pm »

So. The essence of my (and not only mine) proposal to the server returned to the old players and new ones are more or less comfortable to play, knowing that they are newbies.
 For this we need to change much. These are:
1. Reduce the experience of the Centaurs, floaters, the deathclows, mutated molerats, Mantis (Ie for all the mobs that are at the moment actually level-up character for half a day) as well as reduce the chance of their meeting. Experience as follows: Kent 150. floater 200 deathklaw 300 mut.molerat 50 Mantis 10. For humanoid mobs to raise experience exactly three times (well, and add them to HP, and skill)
- That it will give? Leveling your character will take much more time. People will start to know each other when they meet

2. Make aggressive ENCLAVE (for those not in the fraction) as well as mutants and Khan raiders. BoS, remove the ammo in his hand.
3. enter the Cool Downs(here and further - CD) in a meeting with the enclave, Bos, mutants, patrol units. For 15 minutes.
4. to remove high-loot (LSW, Avenger, assault rifle, .223, 14mm pistols, plasma rifles, gatling lasers) from the hands of mobs. Leave shit-stuff, raise HP, combat skills and experience to significantly increase their killing (x3)
5. To reconcile the BH caravan with Unity patrol.
- What does it mean? First reborn pumping in large groups (experiment a lot, but mobs are dangerous) second stimulus will be craft and trade with each other, rather than farm LSW with 10 rounds .223

6. return the CD to craft and gathering (CD on simple resources as it is in HQ-resources at the beginning of the session)
7. Return to the craft of the book, they spent in crafting (like medic bags or tools). Disassembly of things only on the bench (if you dissasemly something without workbench you will have only junk). What gives? - Continued walking to the Boneyard for books or somewhere else to the bench. More encounters - less-crafters Level 6
8. do not enter bank interest. Make global account (ie you can put in NCR and remove in SF). Provide an opportunity to enroll at another's expense money
- That it will give? value and importance of peaceful character. Following a serious complication of leveling, rare zadrot will find yourself crafters of all trades, trader, 5-6 combat characters. We'll have to trade with others, to offer protection for dealers, etc.

9.a) Increase the price mercs, they have to remove the high-loot (Avenger, LSW, sniper rifle) to improve living standards, fighting skills, defense. Remove the possibility of leveling
b) Provide an opportunity to level any and all slaves. When they are pumping is growing not only HP but also combat skills
- That it will give? First chance equilibrate the chances in combat mrec-leaders and slavers. Second merc-leaders behavior and slave would be more logical - if you are rich - buy Mercs (who have already trained, in good armor and smelled gunpowder) if poor - catch slaves, armed, leveling (with a decrease in the experience of not humanoids mobs will be difficult to leveling) . It also excludes purchase mercs for valuables (sniper rifle, Avenger, LSW)

10. a) Make it possible to fail at location to the player regardless of the mode is enabled. Mode, "both mode" allows you to choose TB/RT in falling through at encounter even if fail (if there is no "Cancel" button) or create encounter enywhere
b) Reduce the rate of movement on the map to the value of the start of the session. “Pathfinder” perk adds 50% speed. characters "drivers" will be needed in each group
a) “Awarness” makes it impossible to see the character's nickname on the global map. It depends on the skill of "outdorsman" and perception (is a comparison of skill and perception of who on global map and the one who is on encounter. Outdor If the person who created the above encounter - passing by will not see his nickname. If the above and outdor and perception of it do not see that there is a player who only mobs)
- That it will give? Excitement. Merc-leader will fall to 3 TB characters and lose a huge pile of money in their mercs and weapons in their hands. Provides soldiers will fall through to mercs, traders will hire security for the transportation of property. Sniper or a skilled trader will be able to avoid unnecessary fighting in the wasteland. Etc.

11.Traders-NPC sell only what they have sold players (respawn caps randomly. Respawn top-loot is not at all). Broken things are bought for a penny automatically repair and are sold at par value or price is reduced when the huckster's a lot of junk and the same sum in the group with the same degree of damage.
- That it will give? stimulation of the craft and trade directly with each other
12. Enter Kraft G11 (simple) but not bullets. The cartridges in the GLOW and caravans. Reduce the number of AP to fire GrizGun to the level of the other SMG. Why? - To revive the class SMG-fighters.( currently they are only used for farming from mobs)

13. It is high time already to solve the problem of empty caravans and give them a locked cart, with a random shit-stuff or very rare items (5 2mmEC bullets or 20 bulets for G11 for example. Louislille slugger. Etc.).
14. Unprotected when failed lockpick a car.
15. Allow doctors to treat the freaks, not just those who have 3CH.
16. Add the effect of beer around alcohol (booze from Gekko after a while radiation irradiates) and to increase the price up to his level.
17. Return decrease of intelligence from psycho (-2 Int)
- That it will give? Just make the gameplay more varied.

18. Give a very small chance of finding someone else's base in the wasteland. If you did not kill the guard can hack the terminal (with a high skill, science, repair, and intelligence. The complexity of cracking depends on the cost base. Cave, for example - 6int, 150% science and 150% repair bunker - 10int 300% repair and 300% science).
- That it will give? Lost "hamsters" bases are far from cities more valuable than those in the neighboring from town. FActions will organize the protection of much more serious than now. The most valuable will be stored in tents. Small gang will be living in tents but not in the outpost as it is now.

19.make visible car (wagon), passing in the same square where it stands. (Details: shine a wheelbarrow which was opened only encounter. Ie. I put the hammer. To me fell 10 scouts. There was a batch - one survived. He picked up my hammer on global. Encounter closed. All gone. The result - the game brought 10 Scouts, 100500 BA and others.)
- That it will give? Remove from merchants tents in every town, harder to farm and make it difficult to ambush the hammer and 5 mercs.

So. If you enter all these (well, or at least most) of the proposal in the next session, we get the following:
 - A complex, gambling leveling
 - The value of the top non-combat characters and loot
 - will provide more opportunities for trade between players and Role-playng.
 - More rapid withdrawal of surplus game loot and caps.
 - Regular battles in the wasteland
 - An incentive for beginners to cobble together a small gang and roam the wasteland in search of clashes
 - An incentive to the old players back to the server, restore the old organizations and engage taunkontrol, because in such circumstances the value of covers and top-loot becomes higher strongly (and risk losing them) Peace Characters (crafters, doctors, lockpickers) would be interested in new grounds for trading , the organization holding the city would be interested in trading with these characters rather than killing them on the grid. For then traders will see their throw and go to trade in the city such as VC, NCR HUB.

 Before you proceed to vote and trolling, please read the discussion on Russian forum.
 Use the Google Chrome browser with built-in translater to quickly understand what they are talking about. Thank you for your attention
« Last Edit: November 14, 2011, 09:44:34 pm by Spacefucker »
If you do not understand what I wrote, use Google Translator or Google Chrome.
I am writing in Russian in order to avoid double translation
Re: TРOUGHTFUL suggestions of Russian-speaking community
« Reply #1 on: November 14, 2011, 09:01:22 pm »

I`ll try to make english version of my thoughts.
So. The essence of my (and not only mine) proposal to the server returned to the old players and new ones are more or less comfortable to play, knowing that they are newbies.
 For this we need to change much. These are:
1. Reduce the experience of the Centaurs, floaters, the deathclows, mutated molerats, Mantis (Ie for all the mobs that are at the moment actually level-up character for half a day) as well as reduce the chance of their meeting. Experience as follows: Kent 150. floater 200 deathklaw 300 mut.molerat 50 Mantis 10. For humanoid mobs to raise experience exactly three times (well, and add them to HP, and skill)
- That it will give? Leveling your character will take much more time. People will start to know each other when they meet
also lvling will be more balanced. Killing more dangerous critters you making more expirience... But i would add some sort of difficulty to encounters.
For example:
You`re killing one Junktown Scous (nothing interesting). You gain 50 exp. for killing him. Another time you killing group of 3 JTS. You get 150 for 1st, 100 for second and 50 for 3rd since it was harder (300 exp total)

2. Make aggressive ENCLAVE (for those not in the fraction) as well as mutants and Khan raiders. BoS, remove the ammo in his hand.
to prevent free imba BoS stealing... right.
3. enter the Cool Downs(here and further - CD) in a meeting with the enclave, Bos, mutants, patrol units. For 15 minutes.
no need IMHO
If they will be aggressive they wan`t be freefarmed after all

4. to remove high-loot (LSW, Avenger, assault rifle, .223, 14mm pistols, plasma rifles, gatling lasers) from the hands of mobs. Leave shit-stuff, raise HP, combat skills and experience to significantly increase their killing (x3)
What`s up with that meattanks walking through desert?
You suggesting to remove gatlings from them... Gatling already useless you suggesting even making it harder to get... What a point?
Also Laser Rifle doesn`t feet Enclave Patrol theme. They usually wear some pistols (Pulse, Gauss, Plasma) isn`t it better to make`em wear laser pistol, plasma one and miniguns instead of Laser rifles and miniguns?

5. To reconcile the BH caravan with Unity patrol.
- What does it mean? First reborn pumping in large groups (experiment a lot, but mobs are dangerous) second stimulus will be craft and trade with each other, rather than farm LSW with 10 rounds .223
make Unity and BH Caravans both BH Citiesens related so they will or will not shoot player with reaction based on BH town reputation.

6. return the CD to craft and gathering (CD on simple resources as it is in HQ-resources at the beginning of the session)
there is another solution already IMHO
7. Return to the craft of the book, they spent in crafting (like medic bags or tools). Disassembly of things only on the bench (if you dissasemly something without workbench you will have only junk). What gives? - Continued walking to the Boneyard for books or somewhere else to the bench. More encounters - less-crafters Level 6
More pain - more gain huh?
8. do not enter bank interest. Make global account (ie you can put in NCR and remove in SF). Provide an opportunity to enroll at another's expense money
- That it will give? value and importance of peaceful character. Following a serious complication of leveling, rare zadrot will find yourself crafters of all trades, trader, 5-6 combat characters. We'll have to trade with others, to offer protection for dealers, etc.
lol`ed on that word...
it translates as "no-lifer".

Bank interest 0% and global accounts so you can make deposit in SF and withdrawall in Hub...
Sounds nice.

9.a) Increase the price mercs, they have to remove the high-loot (Avenger, LSW, sniper rifle) to improve living standards, fighting skills, defense. Remove the possibility of leveling
What`s a point of removing leveling of mercs?
Isn`t it better to implement more active ones such as merc-medic, merc-slaver and merk-crafter(!)
And make them more player-like with more personilised merk-buying mechanism...
For example:
"Ivan, lvl9. The macho man that likes big miniguns." and it will have player-like characteristics of lvl9 minigunner.

b) Provide an opportunity to level any and all slaves. When they are pumping is growing not only HP but also combat skills
- That it will give? First chance equilibrate the chances in combat mrec-leaders and slavers. Second merc-leaders behavior and slave would be more logical - if you are rich - buy Mercs (who have already trained, in good armor and smelled gunpowder) if poor - catch slaves, armed, leveling (with a decrease in the experience of not humanoids mobs will be difficult to leveling) . It also excludes purchase mercs for valuables (sniper rifle, Avenger, LSW)

10. a) Make it possible to fail at location to the player regardless of the mode is enabled. Mode, "both mode" allows you to choose TB/RT in falling through at encounter even if fail (if there is no "Cancel" button) or create encounter enywhere
so the suggestion is to everybody can fall into either RT or TB encounter but can decide wich one it will be when creating one...
Also, I`d rather to not give much time to analyse info by giving some to westlander.

I`d suggest:
"You are going to encounter something...
-Turn Based
-Real Time"
So if you have no awareness you are only to chose RT/TB mode.

b) Reduce the rate of movement on the map to the value of the start of the session. “Pathfinder” perk adds 50% speed. characters "drivers" will be needed in each group
a) “Awarness” makes it impossible to see the character's nickname on the global map. It depends on the skill of "outdorsman" and perception (is a comparison of skill and perception of who on global map and the one who is on encounter. Outdor If the person who created the above encounter - passing by will not see his nickname. If the above and outdor and perception of it do not see that there is a player who only mobs)
- That it will give? Excitement. Merc-leader will fall to 3 TB characters and lose a huge pile of money in their mercs and weapons in their hands. Provides soldiers will fall through to mercs, traders will hire security for the transportation of property. Sniper or a skilled trader will be able to avoid unnecessary fighting in the wasteland. Etc.

11.Traders-NPC sell only what they have sold players (respawn caps randomly. Respawn top-loot is not at all). Broken things are bought for a penny automatically repair and are sold at par value or price is reduced when the huckster's a lot of junk and the same sum in the group with the same degree of damage.
- That it will give? stimulation of the craft and trade directly with each other
sound`s kinda... strange
12. Enter Kraft G11 (simple) but not bullets. The cartridges in the GLOW and caravans. Reduce the number of AP to fire GrizGun to the level of the other SMG. Why? - To revive the class SMG-fighters.( currently they are only used for farming from mobs)
Doesn`t make sence for me...


13. It is high time already to solve the problem of empty caravans and give them a locked cart, with a random shit-stuff or very rare items (5 2mmEC bullets or 20 bulets for G11 for example. Louislille slugger. Etc.).
14. Unprotected when failed lockpick a car.
ok even though I wrote different way on russian forum
15. Allow doctors to treat the freaks, not just those who have 3CH.
It`s wasteland and doctors aren`t to heal ones they don`t like.
16. Add the effect of beer around alcohol (booze from Gekko after a while radiation irradiates) and to increase the price up to his level.
17. Return decrease of intelligence from psycho (-2 Int)
- That it will give? Just make the gameplay more varied.

18. Give a very small chance of finding someone else's base in the wasteland. If you did not kill the guard can hack the terminal (with a high skill, science, repair, and intelligence. The complexity of cracking depends on the cost base. Cave, for example - 6int, 150% science and 150% repair bunker - 10int 300% repair and 300% science).
- That it will give? Lost "hamsters" bases are far from cities more valuable than those in the neighboring from town. FActions will organize the protection of much more serious than now. The most valuable will be stored in tents. Small gang will be living in tents but not in the outpost as it is now.

19.make visible car (wagon), passing in the same square where it stands. (Details: shine a wheelbarrow which was opened only encounter. Ie. I put the hammer. To me fell 10 scouts. There was a batch - one survived. He picked up my hammer on global. Encounter closed. All gone. The result - the game brought 10 Scouts, 100500 BA and others.)
- That it will give? Remove from merchants tents in every town, harder to farm and make it difficult to ambush the hammer and 5 mercs.

So. If you enter all these (well, or at least most) of the proposal in the next session, we get the following:
 - A complex, gambling leveling
 - The value of the top non-combat characters and loot
 - will provide more opportunities for trade between players and Role-playng.
 - More rapid withdrawal of surplus game loot and caps.
 - Regular battles in the wasteland
 - An incentive for beginners to cobble together a small gang and roam the wasteland in search of clashes
 - An incentive to the old players back to the server, restore the old organizations and engage taunkontrol, because in such circumstances the value of covers and top-loot becomes higher strongly (and risk losing them) Peace Characters (crafters, doctors, lockpickers) would be interested in new grounds for trading , the organization holding the city would be interested in trading with these characters rather than killing them on the grid. For then traders will see their throw and go to trade in the city such as VC, NCR HUB.

 Before you proceed to vote and trolling, please read the discussion on Russian forum.
 Use the Google Chrome browser with built-in translater to quickly understand what they are talking about. Thank you for your attention

Re: TРOUGHTFUL suggestions of Russian-speaking community
« Reply #2 on: November 15, 2011, 11:15:38 am »

Reporting on behalf of the Russian community: the developers will do all the upper class and without this initiative.
Thank you for your work!


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Re: TРOUGHTFUL suggestions of Russian-speaking community
« Reply #3 on: November 15, 2011, 01:01:38 pm »

"What is this, I don't even"
"This is your forum."


  • just some canadian guy
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Re: TРOUGHTFUL suggestions of Russian-speaking community
« Reply #4 on: November 15, 2011, 03:13:44 pm »

This shit once again.
spacefucker read that topic. what i said there also applys here read it and realize we dont want to waste are time taking day/weeks to get stuff and lvl some of us have lives and just want to play the game not waste forever crafting shit and lvling.
Roaming the waste again.
Re: TРOUGHTFUL suggestions of Russian-speaking community
« Reply #5 on: November 15, 2011, 10:07:27 pm »

Reporting on behalf of the Russian community: the developers will do all the upper class and without this initiative.
Thank you for your work!
I think the extra views do not exist. 2238 server is not Polish, and international
If you do not understand what I wrote, use Google Translator or Google Chrome.
I am writing in Russian in order to avoid double translation


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Re: TРOUGHTFUL suggestions of Russian-speaking community
« Reply #6 on: November 16, 2011, 06:45:47 pm »

Not sure if fat trolling or just bad English + lack of IN.

Ты предлагаешь чересчур радикальные изменения. Девы на это не пойдут из соображений хотя бы целесообразности. К тому что есть сейчас довольно долго шли + новая версия уже в тесте. подожди чутка, а потом уже предложения двигай - вайп не за горами.
My English sux. I bet your Russian sux better.©
Re: TРOUGHTFUL suggestions of Russian-speaking community
« Reply #7 on: November 16, 2011, 06:55:05 pm »

Ты предлагаешь чересчур радикальные изменения. Девы на это не пойдут из соображений хотя бы целесообразности. К тому что есть сейчас довольно долго шли + новая версия уже в тесте. подожди чутка, а потом уже предложения двигай - вайп не за горами.

1. они не радикальные. бОльшая часть из прошлой сессии, остальное вариации на тему прошлых сессий и пару свежачков.
2. это все я предлагаю ввести ПОСЛЕ вайпа.
3. 2/3 предложений не мои. я собирал мнения десятков опытных игроков и отфильтровал немного.
If you do not understand what I wrote, use Google Translator or Google Chrome.
I am writing in Russian in order to avoid double translation
Re: TРOUGHTFUL suggestions of Russian-speaking community
« Reply #8 on: November 17, 2011, 11:32:27 am »

This shit once again.
it`s a bit different b/c this one is from the one posted it on forum in the first place.
1. они не радикальные. бОльшая часть из прошлой сессии, остальное вариации на тему прошлых сессий и пару свежачков.
2. это все я предлагаю ввести ПОСЛЕ вайпа.
3. 2/3 предложений не мои. я собирал мнения десятков опытных игроков и отфильтровал немного.
ты просто смешал всё в каку.
Нужен концепт. В любом случае, прежде, чем что-то действительно предлагать, стоит дождаться вайпа.

You just mixed good ideas of various people in one shitpack...
The pack is to contain the main idea (Make game more noob friendle while still more chellenging for 21lvl characters)
My point is to wait for wipe since there are too many things in todo1st section already and watch afterwipe balance.
« Last Edit: November 17, 2011, 11:37:06 am by snailbeast »
Re: TРOUGHTFUL suggestions of Russian-speaking community
« Reply #9 on: November 17, 2011, 09:51:57 pm »

В любом случае, прежде, чем что-то действительно предлагать, стоит дождаться вайпа.

My point is to wait for wipe since there are too many things in to...
Если предложить это ДО вайпа - больше шансов,Ю что введут и успеют потестировать. Думаю, разработчики согласятся с этим.

If you offer it up to wipe - more likely it will have time to introduce and test the software. I think the developers would agree with that.
If you do not understand what I wrote, use Google Translator or Google Chrome.
I am writing in Russian in order to avoid double translation
Re: TРOUGHTFUL suggestions of Russian-speaking community
« Reply #10 on: November 17, 2011, 10:39:11 pm »

Two things , you should make separate topics for each suggestion and not all at once even if you decide to make a topic for each one don't make gazzilion topics at once give it some time for each suggestion to be " digested " acknowledged , it's much more effective to discuss that way. Second thing get someone from russian community to write this with better grammar otherwise most of this sounds tribal and childish.

Otherwise i am quite sure none of this will be taken seriously.
« Last Edit: November 17, 2011, 10:53:18 pm by T-888 »
Re: TРOUGHTFUL suggestions of Russian-speaking community
« Reply #11 on: November 18, 2011, 07:42:10 am »

ok, I`ll do it.
(Is my english good?)
« Last Edit: November 18, 2011, 11:27:31 am by snailbeast »
Re: TРOUGHTFUL suggestions of Russian-speaking community
« Reply #12 on: November 23, 2011, 08:23:09 pm »

I think I just missed with these offers?
If you do not understand what I wrote, use Google Translator or Google Chrome.
I am writing in Russian in order to avoid double translation
Re: TРOUGHTFUL suggestions of Russian-speaking community
« Reply #13 on: November 25, 2011, 06:23:16 am »

у тебя просто х**вый английский. Реально х..вый.

It`s just your english is f*cking bad. Really...
« Last Edit: November 25, 2011, 06:25:03 am by snailbeast »
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