OK, so I got no skills to modify the game myself but I would be most grateful if somebody would help me with the following "issue". My laptop is quite old and fonline runs very slow on it, except for the lower resolutions (640x480, 800x600). Is there any way to set the zoom to some fixed value like lets say 50%, so everytime I enter town or location its already at 50% so i have bigger view? I don't know if it requires editing only a line in some .ini file or something, but any help would be much appreciated. I believe other 'old and slow laptop' owners could benefit from this as well.
And another thing, a little bit less important. On my old laptop I cannot see field of view or weapons range line or the line that shows weapon deterioration and loaded ammo, while on the newer one I got no issues at all. What could be the problem? Perhaps the fact that GPU on my old laptop supports only up to DirectX 7.0? Can this be solved somehow? I remember few months ago it was all ok until one of the updates. Since that update, my lines disappeared. 
EDIT: Just to avoid confusion, I have set config to show both numbers and lines on ammo and deterioration display.
EDIT2: Found the solution to the second problem