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Author Topic: fonline  (Read 2943 times)

Re: fonline
« Reply #15 on: October 21, 2011, 06:48:42 pm »

Let me sum up this argument for you.

Robertino: Help me I'm too lazy to use common sense and see if the forum is active or check the status checker like someone with an IQ above 90 would do.
Slaver Snipe: Reasonable statement
Robertino:  :'( I'm going to start the insult war!
Slaver Snipe: Why are you so lazy?
Chrupek: Your a dipshit!
Slaver Snipe: Being 20 something and a teenager at the same time is not physically possible, as such your argument is invalid "teenager" is more than a state of mind. Unless of course you have something against teenagers and you group them all together and are...Ageism.  Which as we all know is very wrong and you should consider counseling to help you.  Stop trying to psychoanalyze someone that you know very little about (although I did enjoy the overly used living in a basement at moms house reference) Finally, You shouldn't talk about "decently written post in English" when you have spelling mistakes and capitalization issues (VERY ironic that one of those mistakes happen to be the word "english" as you put it)

I love you and I hope you stop caring so much about a forum you rarely visit.

By doing what you just did you just proved how immature you are. You calling your friends to post on this thread amuses me. Status checker said server was offline but you just don't have the brains to figure it out. Keep attacking yourself by posting some more nonsense to show what a little panicked and insecure human being you are.

And to teach you about it. Teenager is more importantly a state of mind, if you had been through it you would have figured it out ( and thus the statement was valid ). Since mentally you're still in the 14's you obviously are still a teenager.

Keep going with you against the world mentality and you'll never be over this state of development. I don't need to psychoanalyze you, you do it yourself by posting a lot of crap and flames then crying how "they started it". If you had at least half the intelligence of a monkey you would have figured it out that in that statement I used a lot of Cliché's to prove a point. Once again, you failed to comprehend it.

And last but not least, that post about decently written post in english was not addressed to you but with your egocentric behavior you obviously had to be so frustrated and defensive about it. Google "decently written" and you will find out that capitalization issues does not make it a poorly written text. Good luck making a fool of yourself in your next post.

EDIT: And to prove again how stupid you are:
Does it require you to "check the forums much" to go into a page and see that 10 topics have been posted in an hour or two?
And several handfuls of people posting on forums without using common sense is why I must make "smartass" comments.

To go into a page and see 10 new topics does not meen, as you stated later, to search the whole forum for 10 new topics.
Good fight.
« Last Edit: October 21, 2011, 07:03:34 pm by robertino »
Re: fonline
« Reply #16 on: October 21, 2011, 08:57:07 pm »

Man... just leave. There is no reason to fight, except your mental problems. But i think ull be okay. Go play Fonline, or go play anything else, but please stop writing posts.
Re: fonline
« Reply #17 on: October 22, 2011, 01:16:42 am »

Ahh where to begin, I suppose that the guy who did not result in excessive use of "name calling"/the commonly used living in moms basement virgin is indeed the immature one.
I haven't called anybody to this thread and find it interesting that you believe I needed to call friends to a thread to show how the general consensus is that you sir are a douche  ;D
When did I ever cry about "they started it" I simply stated how you are the one that began the immature behavior and as such I have adapted my trolling to fit you personally.
(It appears that the world against me mentality is pretty strange considering the "world" known as this thread is with me in the main part)

As always, with love
Slaver Snipe
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