He couldn't give them orders because mercs were set to auto-attack evertything that moves.
Giving orders in that case is practically impossible.
Auto-attack every wastelander should be removed from merc orders outside bases/tents, or at least give them like 1 second delay after they see enemy for auto-attack order.
It seems, that after removing supermutant mercs from game - game became not so interesting. If it will be 1 second delay - noone wants to use mercs, because they will be useless. Lets imagine - you (with 4-5 mercs) enter enc in RT (town entrance) and 2 players with LSW and 2 bursts waiting for you.....Or those 2 players with LSW enter your enc....... You wouldnt survive 95%.... And i think it needs some experience to play with mercs.Once (long time ago) I lost my 5 supermutants in 20sec, when TTTLA snipers staying far from grid and shoot me easy