Second that. Ability to download and upload faction list and database records with the faction terminal would finally make it useful.
It changes more than you would think: mercs could attack faction enemies (thus making RP base-towns with merc guards feasible), also base reputation system could actually be used (so the base leader would be able to see who thinks what about other faction members.
Not to start a new thread, I would also like to see two more features in the faction terminal:
1) ability to add little "notes" to database records. 16 symbols would be enough - "vile PK", "Tim's friend", "easy target", "drugged big gunner" would change the game drastically.
2) ability to "encode" signal by faction radio - so even when an enemy gets one, he would only hear jibberish unless he is a faction member/friend. This could be justified (for the sake of realism) by "teaching your members a special encoding system and encoding all the messages sent on the channel"
Feedback, please!