that is a good idea. XD
I still think it would be better if we could make up names on the fly, and the server would accept them.
Yes the game would be full of stupid, none Fallout-ish faction names, but its better than standing there trying all the names you think sound good, only to find that they are all taken.
(I'm sure a filter would have to be added to not allow racist, or vulgar names also.)
ie: The [insert racist word] From [insert vulgarity] Face Lane.
Actually, now that i think of it, this would be abused in more ways than just offensive Faction names. For Example One faction could make a slew of mock factions to take towns "The Broken Hells Hunters are taking Modoc" or, "don't go to Redding, The Tim Tom and Tod Lawyer Agency is taking that town."
Ok so making our own names would serve up more problems than its worth, on the fly... Maybe there could be a place to ask for a name to be added and a PM sent to confirm that the requested name is now available.
I'd like to request "The Outcasts" be added, if its not already in the game. XD