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Author Topic: Why there are not enough players?  (Read 23112 times)


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Re: Why there are not enough players?
« Reply #15 on: October 14, 2011, 04:17:14 pm »

There is a huge czech Fallout community around and about 80 players tried Fonline during first era and then left.

They left because they didnt like the lags, the bugs and so on. And now when you talk to them, they ask if we still play that buggy laggy game, that crashed every few hours. They dont know that the game is stable now, lagg-free and fill with more content then in the start.

So I agree with Sarakin fully, no need to advertise that much, not now. After the wipe people will show up and give it a go and then you might advertise it when it will be new and exciting even for the old folks.

Plus, if you really want more players to play, write suggestion, create some maps, graphics or dialogs, report bugs and dont act like imature idiot ingame.

And about server being dead, look around how many guys still play the game or wait for wipe and care about it. Thats hardly dead. And all those glorified new servers, there is only one decent one running and many abandoned projects.


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Re: Why there are not enough players?
« Reply #16 on: October 14, 2011, 05:25:51 pm »

The game is not dead, long wait for update might have hurt a little, but the way nobody absolutely moved finger to replace grind with fun content might have made many not so hardcore players quit. Fallout fans quit the game as well (not talking about those Bethseda published Fallout namesakes) due to various issues that has been already discussed around - let it be tedious beginning, lack of various content or the already mentioned grind. But to be honest this is not something that much wrong with beta, as long as people understand it's beta (and thus possibly checking it out later when it is finished).

Good "product" will advertise itself.
It does not work just like that (for example Total Annihilation was often considered the ultimate RTS game of 90s and yet Starcraft sold better). But then again, moral, legal and economic issues prevent advertisement of 2238.

By the far easiest way to increase population over time is PR (like posting news on new content, even if it is trivial, like those sand robes, or replying to community feedback - it takes some guts to digest it all and still be polite :d) and it's really questionable whether they really care about population or whether they should, because as far as we are all concerned this is still not complete game and it is in test phase.
"What is this, I don't even"
"This is your forum."


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Re: Why there are not enough players?
« Reply #17 on: October 14, 2011, 07:09:38 pm »

create some maps, graphics or dialogs

But first ask devs if they need it/want it. Or you will most likely do a lot of work for nothing.
« Last Edit: October 14, 2011, 07:12:05 pm by JovankaB »


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Re: Why there are not enough players?
« Reply #18 on: October 14, 2011, 07:42:40 pm »

I've stopped playing FOnline about year ago because of awful balance in weapons.
The only thing is really good was BG (LSW, Rocket Launcher) and mutants party.
And I hate'em both. Just plain dislike.

Top tier armors have high energy resistance, SG are just plain shitty peashooters (e.g. FN FAL - the TOP CRAFT SG RIFLE - that have extremely rare ammo and did lower DPS than BG).

Aimed fire is whole crap. In real time fight you have to click on the enemy, then choose eyes (or head, or whatever), while that guy with rocket launcher... OH MY GOD A ROCKET! BANG! Sliding away... standing up... and... he hides away behind the obstacle, reloading and... HERE AGAIN! LOOK! SAME THING! BANG!

Well... you've understood.

In TB mode... well yeah sometimes (about 8-12% of time) I have couple of nice crits with my plasma rifle. Most of time I don't.
So when I standing in wasteland against guy with LSW - it is just plain DPS competition. He needs 3-4 bursts to kill me and making 2 per turn. Well I'm shooting him too. For... 40 damage per shot.

Also funny thing that enemy (especially in Real-Time) can just turn away his eyes from you, so you have shoot head - and the difference between shooting eyes and head is damn huge.

I don't see reason for making 3D graphics while there are such flaws in the game balance. When I heard of developers plans about implementing new graphics - I've left. I love tasty pixelized graphics of old games. I liked graphics of Fallout. But 3D models in the game are looking... just awful (argh those rats and desert stalkers... yuck!).

Now (after about a year) I've came to this forum to see what's new. And what I see? NOTHING!
No balance updates, no new features. Only grapichs coming soon. It doesn't makes gameplay better.
So I won't play it.

That is *MY* reasons "why there are not enough players".

   Burn the heretic. Kill the mutants. Purge the unclean.   


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Re: Why there are not enough players?
« Reply #19 on: October 14, 2011, 07:53:33 pm »

Because the devs don't give two shits about the game or the community. If it were so, there would've already been a wipe and less Nazi GMs. Simple as that.

ARWH. Scummers 4 lyf.


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Re: Why there are not enough players?
« Reply #20 on: October 14, 2011, 08:11:47 pm »

I jump by from time to time. Fonline won't die :)
I'd love to make an advertising video, but im short on requierment's for it, low pc spec. If someone could ask people from mmohut or some similar review site. I just hope it won't end like angry nintendo nerd. :D
What you think people who never heard anything about this game and do reviews for mmo games would say? :D
Anti-pk, protector of the law in wasteland.
Re: Why there are not enough players?
« Reply #21 on: October 14, 2011, 08:29:05 pm »

I've stopped playing FOnline about year ago because of awful balance in weapons.
The only thing is really good was BG (LSW, Rocket Launcher) and mutants party.
And I hate'em both. Just plain dislike.
Top tier armors have high energy resistance, SG are just plain shitty peashooters (e.g. FN FAL - the TOP CRAFT SG RIFLE - that have extremely rare ammo and did lower DPS than BG).
Aimed fire is whole crap. In real time fight you have to click on the enemy, then choose eyes (or head, or whatever), while that guy with rocket launcher... OH MY GOD A ROCKET! BANG! Sliding away... standing up... and... he hides away behind the obstacle, reloading and... HERE AGAIN! LOOK! SAME THING! BANG!
Well... you've understood.
In TB mode... well yeah sometimes (about 8-12% of time) I have couple of nice crits with my plasma rifle. Most of time I don't.
So when I standing in wasteland against guy with LSW - it is just plain DPS competition. He needs 3-4 bursts to kill me and making 2 per turn. Well I'm shooting him too. For... 40 damage per shot.

Also funny thing that enemy (especially in Real-Time) can just turn away his eyes from you, so you have shoot head - and the difference between shooting eyes and head is damn huge.

I don't see reason for making 3D graphics while there are such flaws in the game balance. When I heard of developers plans about implementing new graphics - I've left. I love tasty pixelized graphics of old games. I liked graphics of Fallout. But 3D models in the game are looking... just awful (argh those rats and desert stalkers... yuck!).

Now (after about a year) I've came to this forum to see what's new. And what I see? NOTHING!
No balance updates, no new features. Only grapichs coming soon. It doesn't makes gameplay better.
So I won't play it.

That is *MY* reasons "why there are not enough players".

huh ? I will make this short.

LSW and RL is are still top used weapons , mutants disabled , snipers are gonna be nerfed next wipe so i don't know what are you talking about , plasma rifle is the ultimate insta kill each second shot , when lazor rifle hits me two bypasses for 130+ then you can whine about high lazer resistance all day long , lets not talk about KO's. 3D graphics will allow to implement many nice things in game witch of course you don't know about because your too stupid to read. I guess when you did play , things like aimed binds didn't exist , i feel sorry for you cry more.

bye bye casual player go back to some hell00 ki11y online because you can't read or play the game again.


Those people who left didn't do it for good enough reasons.

or maybe those people are just dumb ? Since this all is just a big beta test , they didn't like beta so they left ? huhhha.we???wqe ......... don't make sense ... stupidity is frying my brains.....

It's like new player starts to play counter strike " OOHHH noooes i no like AK 47 i quit "

« Last Edit: October 14, 2011, 08:40:20 pm by T-888 »


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Re: Why there are not enough players?
« Reply #22 on: October 14, 2011, 10:15:08 pm »

your too stupid 
 i feel sorry for you
cry more.
bye bye casual player 
you can't read or play the game again.
those people are just dumb ?
don't make sense
stupidity is frying my brains.....
Oh yeah, I forgot to say about friendly community that respects your opinion and builds a constructive dialogue.


LSW and RL is are still top used weapons
Yes, as I said - no changes here, same balance flaws. You've just confirmed what I've said.

mutants disabled
No balance fix, just disable and done with it. Nice way to do things.

snipers are gonna be nerfed next wipe
Yeah, let's nerf snipers because "LSW and RL is are still top used weapons ". Good logic.

so i don't know what are you talking about , plasma rifle is the ultimate insta kill each second shot
Stop telling lies and giving fake statistics. Be realist.
Result of multiplying crit chance (in the head ofc, cuz all pro players won't show their eyes to you) on chance to score a bypassing crit will give you other numbers. And if you didn't got bypass, plasma damage type get lowered to pathetic values against top tier armor (60/7 DR/DT against 40/8 normal damage type for BoS CA).

, when lazor rifle hits me two bypasses for 130+ then you can whine about high lazer resistance all day long
Same thing about laser type, but resistance is higher and damage of weapons is lower (70/8 for BoS CA ). Chance to get two bypasses in a row is minimal.

, lets not talk about KO's.
There are special perks against KO from aimed shot.
Again chance is quite low, while BG have stable damage. Also it has chance to crit too.
But rocket launcher always knocks you down.

Statistics can tell us more. You're saying that snipers are so cool, but why then BGs is top used weapons? The answer is obvious - they are more reliable and are just better in most cases.

3D graphics will allow to implement many nice things in game witch of course you don't know about because your too stupid to read.
You're wrong, I've read topics about 3D-graphics. But still I don't know what you're talking about.
I don't know how DOING GRAPHICS can handle balance issues.
A few examples of "nice things" perhaps?

I guess when you did play , things like aimed binds didn't exist , i feel sorry for you cry more.
I've been watching to every patch note since I've left the game but didn't noticed anything about binds.
Can you tell me more about it?

Since this all is just a big beta test, they didn't like beta so they left ?
People will leave game they dislike. It's obvious. Especially if there won't be any significant progress in development.
   Burn the heretic. Kill the mutants. Purge the unclean.   
Re: Why there are not enough players?
« Reply #23 on: October 14, 2011, 10:38:05 pm »

I like how you say you see nothing new Elslayer, yet you mention that you have to click, then aim for eyes to do aimed shots which is not true anymore.  Funnily enough on this forum most people complain about crits being overpowered so maybe you should try playing again instead of making judgments about nothing being new when they are a few new things here and there.  You say that removing mutants is bad compared to balancing them (paraphrased you of course) Well if you read about upcoming change maybe you would see that removing the mutants was needed to stop players from doing arty strikes from WM.  Many upcoming changes to the followers system so you shouldn't say they "No balance fix, just disable and done with it. Nice way to do things." It takes time to alter things so please read more and then you won't sound so ignorant talking about things which you have no knowledge of.

Why exactly did you cry about the fn-fal? Did you really expect a medium sized rifle would out dps a minigun? Are you insane? Yes, it would be nice if the game was fully balanced but that takes an insane amount of tweaking to actually accomplish. Dev's arn't doing any of the work on the 3D so you really shouldn't complain there as that doesn't take their time away and when it is implemented many new things will be possible with player characters. I don't know where you think KO's are quite rare as when i play a critical build I get them every 4-5 shots at least and when you get the first one chances are you beat that player.

Re: Why there are not enough players?
« Reply #24 on: October 14, 2011, 11:01:54 pm »

Oh yeah, I forgot to say about friendly community that respects your opinion and builds a constructive dialogue.
Yes, as I said - no changes here, same balance flaws. You've just confirmed what I've said.
No balance fix, just disable and done with it. Nice way to do things.
Yeah, let's nerf snipers because "LSW and RL is are still top used weapons ". Good logic.
Stop telling lies and giving fake statistics. Be realist.
Result of multiplying crit chance (in the head ofc, cuz all pro players won't show their eyes to you) on chance to score a bypassing crit will give you other numbers. And if you didn't got bypass, plasma damage type get lowered to pathetic values against top tier armor (60/7 DR/DT against 40/8 normal damage type for BoS CA).
Same thing about laser type, but resistance is higher and damage of weapons is lower (70/8 for BoS CA ). Chance to get two bypasses in a row is minimal.
There are special perks against KO from aimed shot.
Again chance is quite low, while BG have stable damage. Also it has chance to crit too.
But rocket launcher always knocks you down.

Statistics can tell us more. You're saying that snipers are so cool, but why then BGs is top used weapons? The answer is obvious - they are more reliable and are just better in most cases.
You're wrong, I've read topics about 3D-graphics. But still I don't know what you're talking about.
I don't know how DOING GRAPHICS can handle balance issues.
A few examples of "nice things" perhaps?
I've been watching to every patch note since I've left the game but didn't noticed anything about binds.
Can you tell me more about it?
People will leave game they dislike. It's obvious. Especially if there won't be any significant progress in development.

My nerves can't handle this.

Alright listen up , if you haven't noticed all three weapons skills are widely used each has it's own role , advantages and flaws , for example you won't see much EW builds in TC due to inferior range not damage , but everywhere else for example in reno EW builds are pretty much superior to everything if you add few big gunners to cover them , then again only big gunners is a bad team composition that lacks the support of snipers EW or SG , it's vise versa.

Most of people here understand why snipers have to be nerfed , KO's , instant kills , knockdowns , bypasses occur too often has unreliable but good damage in overall due to bypasses and for example sniper rifle with the universal 223 ammo that is good against pretty much all armor. Have you ever played in a town control versus a well placed sniper line that has gauss in it ? Gauss maybe a bad example , drop the gauss just a sniper line ? Then again make some 223 pistol build , go reno , guys with ba and avenger will seem like a cakewalk to you.

Just go play hinkley for a while when you will face a proper plasma tank or p90 tank , don't come crying at forum. I won't say more since you obviously lack experience.

It's really hard to notice the difference between a character without and with stonewall , it's really hard man.

Go in fonline2238 and there is an option binds , you bind eyes on key D for example , if you press D ingame you will always do aimed shots without having to click on eyes all time , that's the simple way to explain.

I'm not gonna start talking about 3D , read it yourself a lot of topics about it.

I think your just a small time pvp'er that doesn't notice the balance as most of the server players.

btw read the patch notes again , maybe you will learn to read.

Slaver snipe told a lot too.

The fuck are you arguing about things you don't know , some theory craft about some statistics without any real knowledge or experience , go read forum.

oh btw you really left the server for dumb reasons
« Last Edit: October 14, 2011, 11:09:24 pm by T-888 »


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Re: Why there are not enough players?
« Reply #25 on: October 14, 2011, 11:28:14 pm »

It does not work just like that (for example Total Annihilation was often considered the ultimate RTS game of 90s and yet Starcraft sold better).
Ive never heard that thing you said about TA but nevertheless, Starcraft is considered as a cult nowadays and its not only because of PR. Perfect balance, endless support from blizzard, addictive gameplay, these are just some aspects that makes this game above the rest.
You cant say my statement is false. Of course, if you want to go big, you need to invest money that generate more money etc.

@ElSlayer: Even though I think youre wrong in some points, I find your review quite honest. Dont let T888 troll you
@T888: Its perfectly normal for someone to stop playing when he starts to feel bored or unsatisfied. How can you judge others when you dont play long enough ?
« Last Edit: October 14, 2011, 11:32:09 pm by Sarakin »
The sanctity of this forum has been fouled

[19:41:06] <@JovankaB> einstein said we dont need name colorizing


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Re: Why there are not enough players?
« Reply #26 on: October 14, 2011, 11:29:20 pm »

IDK, somebody asked why are there not enough players, and one guy explicitly said his reason and rationale and some A-Hole (you know who you are you 1337 super puppy) arrogantly shot him down, like this is some sort of debate that can be won?  Uh, I don't think this is a debate?  Just look at the statistics, we're not arguing about global warming :)  This type of attitude against peoples perception of the game isn't helping your cause, you're not "winning".

Just my own two cents as to why people give this game about an hour and then never play again....  The horrible worldmap travel speed, who thought that would be a good idea?  Losing all your stuff in about 2 microseconds.  Lack of helpful player interaction in cities (no trolling doesn't count as a warm inviting experience).  That is because there isn't very many players left.  I would also say lack of quests also presents a distinct negative difference from most peoples expected fallout-ish experience.

Don't bother telling me how nooby I am, or hope to win a debate over this, this is just my opinion, go waste your time convincing somebody else that you are suP3r @w350m3
It's all really about suppression of dissension, consensus through censorship.  Whether through extermination of those who have different or conflicting viewpoints or subtle spin of available media.  If there is only one opinion left, it must be right, right?


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Re: Why there are not enough players?
« Reply #27 on: October 15, 2011, 12:30:35 am »

Lack of helpful player interaction in cities (no trolling doesn't count as a warm inviting experience).
In BH we help out people. If they are worth. Some people start with insults, and rage about game being a shit. It's shit people, not game.
This game is not for everyone.
People need to know what they want from game, then play it.
Oh yeah, I forgot to say about friendly community that respects your opinion and builds a constructive dialogue.
Why help people people with character builds, when you can have the best builds for you self. Then you can win against them. It's war?

Starcraft is lot's of strategy and skill. Depends on game speed. I think TA is too slow for SC.

I'm just reading this and I see you write too much crap...
« Last Edit: October 15, 2011, 12:37:23 am by Marko69 »
Anti-pk, protector of the law in wasteland.


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Re: Why there are not enough players?
« Reply #28 on: October 15, 2011, 11:03:34 am »

There are 2 MAIN reasons "why there are not enough players" on server:

1) Now there are a lot different servers. It's one of a reasons why online too low.

2) The game are loosing characteristic atmosphere because Economic-PVP sistem has been divided now. People can live in guarded cities, trade there good stuff and fight in Hinkley withous any danger...

That looks fine before we look at online status after 2-3 months after wipe.

That's so  evident.. It's a mistake decision to divide wasteland on 2 parts:
("pink south"-full of guardzones, no-TC cities and TB guys   
"blood-dead north" with TC players only, dead cities and     empty wasteland)

Now server get 10 people and loose 100 cause the wasteland is not a one "integral body" 
System:  Dug minerals/craft/trade in guard zone/put money in FLC  - is a dead system.

1) Guarded cities is not so bad but it should be possible to grasp
2) Economy: the most top Traders with best stuff would be placed in not-guarded cities.     Сheap traders - in guarded zones.
(something like divide HQ-ore/Сustomary ore in guarded/non-guarded places)
3)  Raise chance for encounter with players on WM.

ps. sorry for maybe not good english but looks like the basic idea is  evident....
« Last Edit: October 15, 2011, 11:07:20 am by pti4ka »
Re: Why there are not enough players?
« Reply #29 on: October 15, 2011, 12:48:33 pm »

There is a huge czech Fallout community around and about 80 players tried Fonline during first era and then left.

They left because they didnt like the lags, the bugs and so on. And now when you talk to them, they ask if we still play that buggy laggy game, that crashed every few hours. They dont know that the game is stable now, lagg-free and fill with more content then in the start.

So I agree with Sarakin fully, no need to advertise that much, not now. After the wipe people will show up and give it a go and then you might advertise it when it will be new and exciting even for the old folks.

Plus, if you really want more players to play, write suggestion, create some maps, graphics or dialogs, report bugs and dont act like imature idiot ingame.

And about server being dead, look around how many guys still play the game or wait for wipe and care about it. Thats hardly dead. And all those glorified new servers, there is only one decent one running and many abandoned projects.
I can not answer why me and 30 other players whom I know personally, stopped playing in fonline. This game lost its meaning because of the reduction of cooldowns for crafting and mining hq (and others) resources. Top armor and top weapons are easily accessible. As a result - they lost their value. Craft killed (or rather has finished) fonline 2238. Now simply crafted weapon or ammunition than to get him in the wasteland. Аs a consequence - at the wasteland now almost no players. Once empty wasteland - the game has lost its appeal. Then, most players just got tired of that and they left fonline.
Soo if developers want back old players - thay must return old attraction fonline - reduce the cooldown on craft and mining of resources,  make the top gun and top armor is not as readily available, and return meксs - Super Mutant (with them was more fun to play fonline 2238)
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