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Author Topic: Fighter build?  (Read 3032 times)

Fighter build?
« on: October 10, 2011, 07:23:53 am »

So I just started this game and I want to make a fighter.

I created my char but he has fucked SPECIALS, 4 in luck, 5 in cha, 7 in agi and 6 on everything else... I basically just spreaded his stats.

What I want to know are some effective builds for a fighter using small guns and big guns, I want to be as strong as possible.

Also... On my first day I got around 16k caps and reached lvl 4 by collecting junk and turning it into BBs, I'm thinking about buying a hummer right now, is it worth it? Can I pass vehicles and items to other characters later?
Re: Fighter build?
« Reply #1 on: October 10, 2011, 10:23:41 am »

Not in legal way. Of course u can trust somebody and give him stuff, and take it back in other char, but its risky.

So here we go:

ST - u need as much as u need:] Think about gun u will use mostly - for bursters is p90, or minigun/lsw. For pistolleros is 223pistol or 14mm. I will not tell u what to choose, just simply think yourself. If you want to burst (its easy to level up), chose smg/p90 which means u need 4 ST. If you want to be bg, you need 6 ST (for LSW), or 7 ST for minigun/rocket launcher.

PE - same case as above - calculate your style. 6 PE gives you 38 hexes sight, so it will be ok for any bursting. If you want to be sniper or rocketman, 7, better 8, or even 10. But as far as i know, u rather want to be burster, so ill recomend you take 6 PE for p90 and little more sight.

END - here we go again. Endurance its not simple question. I mean, that no matter if you choose 4 or 10, u can aim in same HP numer at 21 level (cause of perks: lifegiver). But higher END means that u will gain your sufficient HPs from start, not in magical way on 12 and 15 lvl, so levelling up will be much easier with high END. I recommend you 8, or 10.

CH - ok, just put it lower possible value, and it will be good. I recommend 1 CH.

INT - leave it now.

AG - buffet at max. I suggest u take 10 AG.

LK - put at 1.

Ok so now we can  see, if you want to pwn by p90, you can make it like this: 4, 7 (cause of 1 SPECIAL point left) 10 1 7 10 1.

What next?

I will tag FAST SHOT for sure, and maybe with nice INT (7 is for you) GOOD NATURED, which gives you better first aid and doc. With high INT you cen buff more skills.

TAG: SG, FA and DOC.


its all about your favor, but it COULD be like this:

3 awareness
6 quick recovery (or if you prefer TB combat, bonus move feg)
9 sharpshooter (or pack rat if u want to scavenge junk)
12 lifegiver (this one is must have perk)
15 brof
18 action boy
21 action boy

So in this case we have at cap level 21: 219hp, awareness, 12 AP (3 bursts from p9-0 in a row, or turn), SG: 207, FA 150, DOC 115, Outdoorsman 80.

Its really fun to play this char, but to be great in PvP you will need special tactics, like RT ambushes in city tile, or sneaky running around corners - simply u will fail hard on desert, but pwning in city tiles. And u could be really good in hinkley location.

Re: Fighter build?
« Reply #2 on: October 10, 2011, 02:01:37 pm »

I current small pvp is far strongest merc(mutant) leader. But if you are not pussy and want to pwn by your own hands Avanger junkie burster is very satisfiing but also very expensive to maintain. Best real fighter i can recommend for new player is laser sniper with two eyeshots without one AP and 127HP without drugs. You can pwn bluesuits efficiently and loose gear often because lazor riflez are easily farmable. I dont remember exact stats now I will try posting it later.

Buying a car is definitely great step forward in fonline. But first you should get your own base or at least some shared with other gang. Switching items between your alts is much more comfortable in some secure place which is permanent. About cars: Great for personal transportation is buggy, it has only disadvatage of small trunk and gastank. Best is definitely highwayman. Hummer have big fuel cell consumption and is slow.
« Last Edit: October 10, 2011, 02:17:36 pm by OskaRus »
Kill them all and let the god sort them out.
Re: Fighter build?
« Reply #3 on: October 10, 2011, 02:31:08 pm »

What I want to know are some effective builds for a fighter using small guns and big guns, I want to be as strong as possible.
I would recommend you something like this:

No drugs needed but lately if you decide to be more effective you can start using jet, buffout, nuka, cigs and psycho. That way you'll have 12 AP (2 bursts in a row).

It's quite universal, you can use it with rocket launcher, minigun, avenger, lsw, m60 or assault rifle.
Re: Fighter build?
« Reply #4 on: October 12, 2011, 07:49:50 pm »

Just some modification to the one you posted Kelin
Make AG 7 then drink nuka cola put the extra to IN or to PE.
Instead of small guns choose throwing make big guns 200 throwing 120 rest should go to first aid.
Re: Fighter build?
« Reply #5 on: October 12, 2011, 08:12:08 pm »

Just some modification to the one you posted Kelin
Make AG 7 then drink nuka cola put the extra to IN or to PE.
Instead of small guns choose throwing make big guns 200 throwing 120 rest should go to first aid.

Ehmm , 8 agility is there to counter the usage of buffout witch decrease agility.

I would recommend you something like this:
No drugs needed but lately if you decide to be more effective you can start using jet, buffout, nuka, cigs and psycho. That way you'll have 12 AP (2 bursts in a row).

It's quite universal, you can use it with rocket launcher, minigun, avenger, lsw, m60 or assault rifle.

Nice build ,specials and perks are a exact copy i have for my bigguner ,the difference is i use psycho too therefore i have less big guns skill and tagged 150 FA ,a versatile build but if you go serious pvp have to play good otherwise 35 range is gonna kill you and i mean literally. One hexing other bg's is a gamble since you can't compete with tanks in such close range and it's even a bigger gamble because i use psycho , sometimes i survive 1 hex bursts and sometimes i don't , since you have instant 2 bursts it eats up snipers and everything else without toughness like dog food with double RL or burst :) Have it's advantages and flaws still i recommend it.

FA is better choice for a starter anyway , will be able to go to hinkley very nicely and level up there.
« Last Edit: October 12, 2011, 08:17:34 pm by T-888 »
Re: Fighter build?
« Reply #6 on: October 12, 2011, 09:31:03 pm »

Ehmm , 8 agility is there to counter the usage of buffout witch decrease agility.
My fault I just forgot about it since I use mostly just nuka cola.
However having 11 ap instead of 12 not a fault that so bad well at least if he plan to use rockets and plasma grenades.
Still you are right fully drugged chars will get the one I suggested.
Re: Fighter build?
« Reply #7 on: October 12, 2011, 10:06:38 pm »

i would stay away from big guns since ur first starting out. try small gun burster/crafter the guns and ammo will be easy to get, u will make money from crafting and be able to loot efficiently. but just my oppinions lol


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Re: Fighter build?
« Reply #8 on: October 19, 2011, 12:10:32 am »

Nice build ,specials and perks are a exact copy i have for my bigguner ,the difference is i use psycho too therefore i have less big guns skill and tagged 150 FA ,a versatile build but if you go serious pvp have to play good otherwise 35 range is gonna kill you and i mean literally. One hexing other bg's is a gamble since you can't compete with tanks in such close range and it's even a bigger gamble because i use psycho , sometimes i survive 1 hex bursts and sometimes i don't , since you have instant 2 bursts it eats up snipers and everything else without toughness like dog food with double RL or burst :) Have it's advantages and flaws still i recommend it.

IT sucks. And it sucks hard.
1 - no toughness. No toughess = poor bigguners ass
2 - 8 endurance. Bigguner MUST HAVE 10.

3 6 10 1 7 8 6; Small Frame; Good Natured;
[3]toghness[6]BRD[9]BRD[12]Lifegiver[15]BRoF[18]Action Boy[21]Weapon handling
244 Bigguns; 100 FA;93 doc
Buffout + Psycho+ Jet + nuka + cigs.

awesome :*
Lux aeterna
Re: Fighter build?
« Reply #9 on: October 19, 2011, 12:19:19 am »

wow one toughness + jet...

Your build doesn't have stonewall which means you are down more often. You need 2x toughness + psycho (without jet) to have a really good anti-bg build.
Re: Fighter build?
« Reply #10 on: October 19, 2011, 01:43:23 am »

IT sucks. And it sucks hard.
1 - no toughness. No toughess = poor bigguners ass
2 - 8 endurance. Bigguner MUST HAVE 10.

3 6 10 1 7 8 6; Small Frame; Good Natured;
[3]toghness[6]BRD[9]BRD[12]Lifegiver[15]BRoF[18]Action Boy[21]Weapon handling
244 Bigguns; 100 FA;93 doc
Buffout + Psycho+ Jet + nuka + cigs.

awesome :*

What fucking retard told you that big gunners must have 10 endurance without stonewall ? No stonewall means your are dog food for snipers ! Lack's carry weight , it cannot even take full equipment RL and secondary as avenger minigun , this is a huge disadvantage. You put 7 int to compensate the lack of skillpoints needed to use big guns efficiently , but instead you could just put 1 extra str instead of 7 int , there gaining some carry weight but barely enough for avenger + RL i have one bad build with 4 str + weapon handling , i remember that i couldn't wear full equipment.

I mean come on , i said it's nice build not the best and your build is even worse if it can't pick up the two most important weapons for a big gunner , it's lol without stonewall , i really rather don't have 1 toughness ;D

btw my build got banned , so i'm using different now altough it's a secret ;D noobs mostly don't know it.
« Last Edit: October 19, 2011, 01:45:20 am by T-888 »


  • Fear the Fire
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Re: Fighter build?
« Reply #11 on: October 19, 2011, 11:59:24 am »

What fucking retard told you that big gunners must have 10 endurance without stonewall ?
O.M.G. How long do u play?
1.Stonewall affects only knockdowns, not a knockouts. u still will get knockouted because if u get shooted by the snipers u will be down anyway.
2. Endurance affects the chance of being crippled or knockouted. If u dont know this, then there is no offence to talk with u anymore.
3. Every time u are doing tc u are taking only 1 weapon, in fist case avenger- to onehex militia and doing damage, in second case- rocket launcher, to get tactical advantage. so no need to take shitloadds of stuff.

Look carefully in that build. It doesnt have any penalty when shooting with avenger. 3 str+ psycho=4. 4+ weapon handling = 7. It seems rouges arent that skilled as people says
Lux aeterna
Re: Fighter build?
« Reply #12 on: October 19, 2011, 12:23:28 pm »

awesome :*
Increasing on 1 PE instead of on 1 IN will give you more chance to hit.
1 IN = 40 skill points = ~6 more % into BG.
1 PE = +8% to hit and +3 hex FoV range! Also a bit more chance to make thieves fail!!1
The only problem that if you'll be blinded, your PE will become 1 anyway, while skill will stay the same.

So you still can make your build better on ~2% to hit and 3 more hexes range.


  • Fear the Fire
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Re: Fighter build?
« Reply #13 on: October 19, 2011, 12:31:41 pm »

yeah maybe you're right, but anyway it's much better than tripple gave
Lux aeterna
Re: Fighter build?
« Reply #14 on: October 19, 2011, 12:33:22 pm »

And what tactical aadvantage will give u 6 PE with rocket launcher Gazzz? O_o
U cant even see rocket launcher range!! So u will die easily.
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