FOnline Development > 3D Development

3D complaints / criticism / suggestions

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Was able to find them although they were at a test stage so some works should be done with them.,2407.msg148025.html#msg148025
Luckily download is still active will look at them in the weekend.

Id like to suggest to add a possibility to replace the frames on 2238 with 3d models clientside. This way everyone will be given a possibility to play 2238 while working on 3d as modmakers.

Bump for interest.

Luther Blissett:
The main 3D off/on switch is in \Server\scripts\_defines.fos, which is server side.

--- Code: ---// 3d players mod, uncomment for use
#define PLAYERS_3D             // Enable 3d players
#define PLAYERS_3D_NO_HEAD     // No head slot
#define PLAYERS_3D_VAULT_SUITE // Vault suite by default, not naked

--- End code ---

Genuinely have no idea if it's easy (or possible) to make that a client side option instead. I'd imagine it's technically possible, but definitely not simple. I'd also expect there to be annoying problems with stuff like needing multiple versions of character screens, multiple instances of "basic human" and a series of things which translated "if they're wearing this armour, look like this in 3D but this in sprite" and so on.


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