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Author Topic: TC improvements, or how to make of Town Control something else than TDM  (Read 2559 times)

Re: TC improvements, or how to make of Town Control something else than TDM
« Reply #15 on: September 20, 2011, 09:45:35 pm »

Not sure, but it could also be intresting if everytown had a workbench for exemple, that would allow to craft a specific item, like 7.62 at Raiders. If this work bench would be somewhere in middle of each town, it would also encourage people to craft in towns rather then in bases (crafting in bases is a bit single player no? :) Maybe workbenches in bases should only allow crafting the most simple things?).

Or, maybe for exemple a sniper rifle crafted at Gecko would be special in a way that it has 1 more hexes range? Or 5% more chance to hit? While a Rocket Launcher crafted in Broken Hills could have +2 damage? Maybe a cattleprod crafted in Klamath could have more ammo capacity? And so on. I think it would allow towns to be uniqe more then Gold nuggets or Uranium ore, aswell it would make towns more usefull for people (right now acually they are not very usefull exept Traders and quest givers).


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Re: TC improvements, or how to make of Town Control something else than TDM
« Reply #16 on: September 20, 2011, 10:22:55 pm »

Solar said things like special workbenches are planned, but I don't think they are going to be in the middle of every town, like you said. It is going to be part of faction scenarios, I think. And what you say isn't much of an "activity", it will just have people camping the workbenches, and people running in and out of town as soon as they crafted the item.
Error while opening cfg file: spawnnpc.cfg
Shit! Damn admins! Always ruining my fun! I guess I'll talk to them. WITH MY FISTS!!!! No seriously, I will write them a nice email or make a thread on the forums or something. Thanks!
Re: TC improvements, or how to make of Town Control something else than TDM
« Reply #17 on: September 21, 2011, 01:38:16 pm »

First step to activity is attracting people to the town. If they dont need to go into town, then they wont. And they will never meet new people.

Good exemple of this can be seen in Redding, where people come in, mine and go out, half of them stay in downtown waiting for cooldown however, in meantime they are waiting they sometimes trade or just hang out. Ingame social games would be one solution. Molerats fights in Redding maybe, where people can bet. The problem is as always, that 90% of actions a player can do is to attack the other player heh... Thats about interaction between two players.


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Re: TC improvements, or how to make of Town Control something else than TDM
« Reply #18 on: September 21, 2011, 02:38:30 pm »

Good idea, the bets and so on.
I would personally like, as suggested by someone else, the boxing matches, with both players fightin' and bettin'.
We could also add some "warzones", like Hinkley, around the world for team fightin'. Just for fun, or with minimal rewards.
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Re: TC improvements, or how to make of Town Control something else than TDM
« Reply #19 on: September 21, 2011, 03:04:59 pm »

Good exemple of this can be seen in Redding, where people come in, mine and go out, half of them stay in downtown waiting for cooldown however, in meantime they are waiting they sometimes trade or just hang out.

Yes but it's more profitable to either:
a: log into another alt and mine more
b: go farm encounters
c: manage base
d: level a new character

The town activities just have to be so good and reasonable that even the hardened powergamers want to participate. At the moment people like to be at Redding because they either have shitload of stuff and don't care or are so noobish they don't know what else to do.
In addition these activities must benefit the one who participates them but also the town owners. In the end the tc locker loot output could be directly reliant on the activities. Stuff shouldn't appear from nowhere.

The problem is as always, that 90% of actions a player can do is to attack the other player heh... Thats about interaction between two players.

This is true, that's why it's up to the town owners to keep up security and spread good reputation about safe town. For this they need tools.

Town owning chars should be marked with colour when intown so that towngoers don't get confused when someone comes and asks them some questions for example.
There needs to be new faction status called "customer" or "visitor. Those people are guarded by militia but cannot trigger it on people.
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